Crystal Desert- Interested?
we would certainly welcome any EU guild that would want to transfer to Crystal Desert.
come come…while it’s still free……
Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
Yeah CD is a great bunch! Season 2 is round the corner and we are all hyped for the tourney, VGHS (VideoGame HighSchool) is also recruiting at the moment mainly for WVW, but for other stuff too, we are a SEA time guild as well ^^, come join us to wreck some server’s kitten!
Droppa’ PM – Daenerys Lunarborn (BrandyBiscuits.2873)
See you on the battlefield!
CD is free to transfer to till March 27th!
After the first day of transfers, everyone one on CD is relishing the fights that we are getting. Do hit us up if you’re a roaming team looking to get some good fights.
The guilds of Crystal Desert are a great bunch of people to work with in big or small groups. We’ve taken some beatings but we keep on ticking!
Salad Bros are also recruiting! We are 2-3person plus havoc-defense annoyance team. We really want to expand our guild out and get more players in. WvW nightly!
More on our thread at:
We might be small and outmanned, but we have big tomatoes.
A message to my friends across the pond….
Love you guys. Wish you the best in the new season. Kick so kitten! You guys will do great. [NUDE] from FSP sends love!Hey Amber! o/
Hope you guys are enjoying your peace and fun over there, we sure are here now.
We do enjoy our new home. And we are very happy that CD is once again a peaceful community. Wishing you the best of luck and lots of baggies!
Meeting tonight for all of the guilds in CD and the ones that still interested more info will be at our forums on
/wave to all the people that I ran with.
I’m sure that most wouldn’t even remember me, that’s how much CD has changed from the time when we were fighting in T2 back at launch.
GL in the seasons!
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
(edited by Altie.4571)
/wave to all the people that I ran with.
I’m sure that most wouldn’t even remember me, that’s how much CD has changed from the time when we were fighting in T2 back at launch.
GL in the seasons!
Oh dang altie , you disappeared , we can still have a good thiefing time
Altie Lightfoot ?
Where have i seen you before ? Can’t remember. But I do remember the name.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Altie Lightfoot ?
Where have i seen you before ? Can’t remember. But I do remember the name.
Probably from spending hundreds of hours in WvW fighting for CD and commanding from time to time.
@ TDS thievin times, Hi. Still doing the quaggan surprises?
And yeah I took a world tour vacation.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Come join us in CD. CODE often runs with SOV in WvW. Scolias has gotten pretty good at helping us collect Chili Bags from KoME.
And if you aren’t interested in WvW we also run world boss trains, guild missions, and our guild leader likes to give away gold. CD has something for everyone.
Thanks and welcome to all of our new transfers! Our wvw population is the healthiest it’s been since the exodus before season 1. Looking forward towards some competitive matchups with those servers in the middle of silver league.
If your are new and still looking for a WVW guild to join, VGHS is a perfect guild to join! We are prepping for season 2 already, so drop me a pm if you wanna join or add me and ill contact ya asap!
Daenerys Lunarborn (BrandyBiscuits.2873)
CD is now offering part time full repair costs* to our free transfers since HoD is now queing 3 maps at a time.
*Prices and availability may change. Transfers must first choose a low self populated map. Then start raid and continue to defeat opponents up to twice in numbers. Then watch outmanned pop as que zerg runs you over. Rinse. Repeat.
Seriously though we are looking to be competitive in our high population time zones vs any server in silver league with a finish somewhere towards the top middle of the bracket. None of that matters though. Our true goal is to become a server that can hop between tier 3-4 offering a different number of matchup and full mash up of playing experiences.
Most of our homegrown players are hardened and helpful as well. There are plenty of guilds looking to help out new players as far as builds and wvw game basics. The server morale has been the best i’ve seen since the game came out.
*Prices and availability may change. Transfers must first choose a low self populated map. Then start raid and continue to defeat opponents up to twice in numbers. Then watch outmanned pop as que zerg runs you over. Rinse. Repeat.
OMG, you should have seen what was going on in HOD BL last night for a few hours. A couple of us were bored in CODE so we decided to go troll HOD for a bit. There was only 4 or 5 of us so we couldn’t effectively take a tower so we raided their camps for a bit. We took out the southern camps a couple times then snuck up and capped their fully upgraded north and NE camps. Then we went back and flipped the south camps some more. After a bit of this they had a 20 man zerg trying to camp our spawn point. They even built several superior ACs to try and kill us. The 5 of us kept taking their bags for over a half hour while CD took Stonemist in EBG and flipped back some of CDBL.
And of course, because we were outnumbered and next to our WP we could be back in the fight in seconds where they had to repair and run across the map. I think we died once for every 5-10 we killed. I can’t believe their commanders actually let 5 of us tie up a chunk of their zerg like that.
All I can really say is thanks for the bags HOD. It was fun.
Do visit for more details on guild recruitment and guides. We are looking forward to the HOD outcasts (hueheuheuheuhuahahahahhahwa) and the rest who are deciding to transfer.
No queues.
More bags.
More balls.
Crystal Desert, the hottest place you can be right now.
[HAX] is looking for more Malaysian player, we got 25+ active players on SEA prime time, more during weekend. We are trying to gather player from Malaysia, the more the merrier. We have our own TS3 server, shared among other MMO/Steam gamers.
Do check us out here,
bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh, meh datang CD la woi!
Great Peeps Great Server give it a shot!
if you like outnumbered fight and zergbusting and picking up bags afterwards, come to CD.
We have the Legendary Commander Ohbe Ashpaw that can help you fill your bags full in no time.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
if you like outnumbered fight and zergbusting and picking up bags afterwards, come to CD.
We have the Legendary Commander Ohbe Ashpaw that can help you fill your bags full in no time.
Commander only has the ability to guide, its the militia who follows and does the work.
Still looking for people of all time zones, especially EU/OCEA/SEA. Those looking to escape the ques of T1 through HoD and want to end up in matchups in tier 4 (up to tier 3 hopefully) after silver league should consider transferring here to Crystal Desert.
(edited by kRAVen.4195)
My family and I are looking to maybe transfer to a mouse populated server. We’re currently on AR.
Do you guys have commanders on normally? And do you guys have long queue times? I heard hod was having all maps queued now because of the xfers. How’s the community? You guys typically have numbers for the pve/living world events?
(edited by tubuochen.5960)
We have commanders on normally now with no que times. We can que one map if we really concentrate on it. Our community at the moment is the best its been since the launch of the game. PvE is very strong on this server.
Crystal Desert currently has the strongest SEA coverage of the Free Transfer servers – we have had TOFU and OTD join us, each of them bringing 20-30 active wvwers into the fray. Moreover, about 20 SEA wvwers did not move with KoMe to HoD, but stayed with their friends in Crystal Desert. TIME guild has also recruited many individual SEA transfers too.
Right now, Crystal Desert is looking for more Oceanic and EU players/guilds primarily, but, if you are an SEA wvwer, you’re welcome to join us!
Bumping up. /15 characters
We might be small and outmanned, but we have big tomatoes.
Hello! Just recently transferred to Crystal Desert today with some family and friends. Currently looking for a wvw guild. If anyone has any recommendations that would be great! We play mostly at night on EST (NA) and weekends. Was in CDBL today and saw two guild groups, VOW and TDS.
Hello, and welcome to Crystal Desert!
What kind of play style do you prefer? The best thing about Crystal Desert is that we have both zerg busting guilds and smaller roaming guilds, unlike certain servers which focus only on a blobbing play style. You will get to use the full array of your weapon skills and utilities, and not be forced by the horrendous lag of being in an 80-man zerg to be unable to do anything but spam auto attack
Spend a few days running in NA primetime and see which players and guilds you like running with before making your decision. This is a game, after all, and we’re all here to have fun. Some of us have fun smashing HOD blobs twice our size, while others have fun ninja-resetting their fully fortified towers and keeps! Pick the one you like, or perhaps even both!
Dewey has some pretty solid advice! I might also recommend checking out the CD forums and looking at the guild recruitment threads or giving a shout out in the WvW section on there.
Some guilds I know that run during that time – VOW, SoV, PA, PR, PS, ICE
Some recruitment links I found for ya!
CD is an amazing place.
*Our SEA is very strong, and will definitely be a game changer.
*Our server TS, has 40-75 on our raid channels alone. So our communication is top notched.
*Strong pugs that can defend wp’d keeps while no commander is on.
*Last day for free transfers, so join us!
Bump and Refresh on needs:
-(2)NA prime guilds that can run reset. Fielding 15-30, 3+ nights a week in wvw. Bringing in ~50 players each, if more than 100 we will have to discuss. Not looking for a big guild that can queue a whole map to itself.
-Oceanic team. Even small or large, an effective oceanic team/commanders to give our current contingent some direction. Our late NA runs pretty well, just need someone to cover that gap until our Sea starts rolling.
-havoc teams- always needed and welcomed, can’t have too many.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
As stated above, we are lacking numbers NA prime time on a NA server. Weird, we know. We have SEA coverage, and a small OCX crew looking for more friends to join them.
Looking for an eastern time zone guild that wants to play in a positive wvw environment and be appreciated. Karma trainers/pvder’s/bandwagoneers need not apply.
Good luck on players, CD. I got two college buddies who play guild wars and i told em to pick crystal desert when they’re 80s, I might join, and we will join you in wvw.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Good luck on players, CD. I got two college buddies who play guild wars and i told em to pick crystal desert
when they’re 80s, I might join, and we will join you in wvw.
Thanks but if their NA prime…Man I hope they don’t get discouraged. We’re not too sure if it’s a numbers issue during NA prime or just enough effective WvW guilds with TS commanders that can drive to bring them out. We’re trying to get some commanders trained up and their guild groups to roll more fluidly. work in progress.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
Still looking for early NA and one Oceanic group that can field 10-15. Transfers to CD still cost 1000 gems, if you’re looking for a change come check us out.
PM me in game to ask any questions.
Having some EU guilds would be great too.
Crystal Desert
if you would like to fight different servers week in week out after the tournament season 2, come to CD, especially the Euro guilds.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Bump! Still looking for NA Prime and EST folks.
Could still use 1 or 2 early NA/east coast guilds and players. Also an EU guild to help in the EU timeslot. OCX/Sea is good atm but isn’t filled, could always use more. We almost never have ques so you don’t have to worry about that if you come here. We are hanging around the t4/5 area currently and trying to move up to the t3/4. We also are in no risk of tanking or having an exodus like other servers have been doing.
[oof] Crystal Desert
(edited by Aitadis.8269)
The CD wvw community had a blast during seasons and are looking forward to the match-ups to come. Come check us out for an awesome wvw experience.
Still only 1000 gems to transfer!
best way to see if we’re a fit for each other is to say hello at the website and setup a ts meeting. looking for NA est guilds that can field 15-25 that are willing to learn and work together. ie: a defensive BL team, a map hopping response team, and a gvg guild to answer the bell for CD during early NA. We are developing gvg teams in it’s infant stages during NA est, and toddlers during late NA and Sea (VII and RI). but more would be nice as we can theory craft together and have some good internal rivalry.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
I think we need a better marketing strategy. I suggest we start by giving ourselves a easily recognizable title. Similar to magswag or beastgate…
My vote is ‘The Big Crystal D’
That’s pretty hip hop sounding I bet it will get us some street cred. Yo.
i vote compact disc
i vote C Deez nutz in yo motherkittenin mouth
we just need more wafflers.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
CD is temporarily closing recruitment. We are going to take this time to consolidate and organize with what we have. Any late NA/sea guilds interested, please hold off for the time being.
We are still interested in and open to discussion for early NA guild(s) (11am-5pm PST). As well as bringing back home some of our old CD friends that left us during the last fiasco. Those are our two priorities that the community will being focusing on.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
Crystal Desert temporarily recruiting people who have accents and characters named with food or animal references. Cooking is important to us as well as how many times you can jump rope without getting caught up. Pizza vs hotpockets….puppies, who knows? Contact shiri or waffler for movie times.
(edited by kRAVen.4195)
we still welcome any EU guilds/players that would want to play on CD… as of now we have cemented our position in T4 and looking to get to T3 for better fights…
Archeage = Farmville with PK