Currently Guildless, would like one
What server are you on?
Join Us –
Hello Kurodius!
While Constructed PVP may not be my guild’s (MadCast Gaming) particular focus, we do enjoy theory crafting and PvE! In fact, we just started a new event scheduled for Thursdays called Theorycrafting Thursdays! This is in addition to our regular slew of events, including Monday Night Dungeon Madness and Fractal Fridays (tonight)!
Our guild is on Sanctum of Rall but we accept members from any server! SoR is a North American high population server with a strong WvW presence and a tight knit GW2 community that loves to do things together. You’re welcome to guest over and see if you like it! Let me know if you need help doing so.
Our guild offers mentorship for new members and returning members, as well as PvP, map completion, guild missions, WvW, living story participation, lore discussion and speculation, and pretty much anything you would enjoy with friendly and fun people!
MadCast Gaming is a multi focused gaming community that has hundreds of members that play from League of Legends, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4, Guild Wars 2, Minecraft, and many others! Our forums and Teamspeak are open to Associates that do not wish to become members as of yet and would like to learn about us and see if we are a good fit for them.
MadCast is full of mature and unique individuals, and while we don’t have any age requirements, we do commonly attract adults and family oriented members. It is very organized and professionally directed by an administration that we elect as members to represent our goals and desires on a more personalized basis, and our recruitment system is a process of learning about an individual candidate to ensure they would be a positive addition to our family. The safety and enjoyment of our members are our highest priority.
I know there are a lot of wonderful guilds and communities out there and it is very difficult to just choose one. If MadCast Gaming seems appealing to you, I’d love for you to feel free to contact myself or browse the forums. Join us in Teamspeak and just hang out for a little while, see if you feel that we are a potential home for you too!
MadCast: Dragnosis
The Branded Wolfpack: The Animal Within (Video-1)
The Wolfpack is a new (3/23/2014) World vs World guild on Dragonbrand formed by six founders of varied backgrounds. We’re launching the guild with roaming parties late each night, however, we’re fully experienced with any dungeon you may enjoy slipping in. The same goes for PvP and helping anyone find that sweet class build.
In Short:
- YouTube Channel (Show your pretty face to our cameras)
- Enjin Forums at: Apply Today
- Mumble Voice Server
- Intend to Settle our Members around 150, now currently at 20.
- Build Crafting and Teaching (Pre-Made (Non-Metas), Meta Help, or Personalized)
- Our Timeframe is currently Afternoon 1-4pm EST & 8pm-3am EST.
- Activity & Effort Concerns? Working on Tier 4-5 Guild Research in less than 1-Month.
Feel Free to Contact via Message:
- WarHawk.1892
- Devilish One.2386
- Miani.4270
- Rage.8197
- Jinx.2079
- Cranberry Snapple.3175