[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aerial Melodies.4938

Aerial Melodies.4938

[DA] Decisive Actions is a WvW-focused guild that is currently looking for players interested in an organized WvW experience. We’d like players that are active and know how to work together as a team with a decent amount of experience in WvW. We have a nice core group of players that fields anywhere from 10-15 in our prime hours. We currently run WvW nights from 9pm EST – 12am EST on Tuesdays and Thursday. If you enjoy havoc and the occasional zerg busting, we may be the fit you’re looking for.

Please note that our predominant timezone is eastern with most players running around in WvW between 7pm-12am EST. There are players on during the day and we have some west coasters who stay up later (some east coasters as well!) but the majority of the group will be on during those hours.

What We Ask Of You

  • Use TS3! We heavily prefer that you have a mic and use it. We do ask that you at least be logged in to TS and listening to the leader even if you don’t want to or can’t talk.
  • Rep DA while in WvW. We do not, however, care if you rep us outside of WvW. Obviously we want you to so you can join in on the fun, but we understand people have multiple guilds for various reasons. We simply want to be your core WvW guild!
  • Be respectful. We want to play seriously while still having fun, so try your best to keep a positive attitude. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and joke around; we just don’t like the jumping on enemy bodies kind of thing.

Any and all classes are welcome to apply. We have excellent players who run everything from guardian to engi and are experienced in a small-man group setting, so all we ask is that you know your class well enough to survive!

To see us in action, check out our Youtube Channel

If you want to apply, go to the DA Website

For any questions, please pm J Quik or Decisive Cat in-game.


Ele for Hire

(edited by Aerial Melodies.4938)

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Taras.4367


Great guild. I absolutely love running with these people.

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

1) Kill scrubs
2) Get lewt
3) Buy mercedez
4) kitten kittenes

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


Zaff still play?

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aerial Melodies.4938

Aerial Melodies.4938

We’re still looking for new recruits, especially any warriors out there. We’ll be running tonight so PM me here or in game if you’re interested in seeing what DA is all about.

Ele for Hire

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Taras.4367


Check us out yall. this is an awesome place for WvW

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547



Beside our normal WvW groups, with the upcoming JP arena, we’ll prolly go back to doing plenty of GvGs. With that in mind, we are currently in need of 2 active and really skilled thieves to join our GvG team, so make sure to check us out if ya think you fall on that category.

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cortalia.5467


Moved from NSP to JQ to join DA about a month or so ago. It was one of the best moves I’ve made playing Guild Wars.

So yeah, come join up.

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aerial Melodies.4938

Aerial Melodies.4938

Still on the prowl for more folks to join the family!

Also, when GvG returns (!!!), we’d love to have two thieves to add to the ranks! Come check us out.

Ele for Hire

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: WingedDante.9821


These guys are awesome, and Hilarious. JOIN US .

[SG] Guardian Dante
WvW Commander/ PvP Brofessional

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Still looking for skilled thieves!

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: garull.8956


We’re still looking for new recruits! Looking for 2-3 skilled WvW thieves right now, mostly.

Decisive Gg [NS]

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aerial Melodies.4938

Aerial Melodies.4938

DA is still going strong running havoc and causing trouble on the borderlands. We welcome you to check us out and see if we’re a fit for you!

Ele for Hire

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Giggle.2463


Join DA today we are looking for anyone!

[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: WingedDante.9821


DA is still recruiting! Tues/Thursday WvW nights! (Running havoc most other days) Guild Missions Sundays! These guys are very open minded/chill. JOIN US TODAY! http://da-gw2.enjin.com/recruitment

[SG] Guardian Dante
WvW Commander/ PvP Brofessional