(edited by Aerial Melodies.4938)
[DA] Decisive Actions - WvW Guild on JQ
Great guild. I absolutely love running with these people.
1) Kill scrubs
2) Get lewt
3) Buy mercedez
4) kitten kittenes
Zaff still play?
We’re still looking for new recruits, especially any warriors out there. We’ll be running tonight so PM me here or in game if you’re interested in seeing what DA is all about.
Check us out yall. this is an awesome place for WvW
Beside our normal WvW groups, with the upcoming JP arena, we’ll prolly go back to doing plenty of GvGs. With that in mind, we are currently in need of 2 active and really skilled thieves to join our GvG team, so make sure to check us out if ya think you fall on that category.
Moved from NSP to JQ to join DA about a month or so ago. It was one of the best moves I’ve made playing Guild Wars.
So yeah, come join up.
Still on the prowl for more folks to join the family!
Also, when GvG returns (!!!), we’d love to have two thieves to add to the ranks! Come check us out.
These guys are awesome, and Hilarious. JOIN US .
WvW Commander/ PvP Brofessional
Still looking for skilled thieves!
We’re still looking for new recruits! Looking for 2-3 skilled WvW thieves right now, mostly.
DA is still going strong running havoc and causing trouble on the borderlands. We welcome you to check us out and see if we’re a fit for you!
Join DA today we are looking for anyone!
DA is still recruiting! Tues/Thursday WvW nights! (Running havoc most other days) Guild Missions Sundays! These guys are very open minded/chill. JOIN US TODAY! http://da-gw2.enjin.com/recruitment
WvW Commander/ PvP Brofessional