Damage Incorp. [DI] is looking for new people to join us in WvW. We’re a hardcore zerg-busting WvW-centered guild that has a way of making other groups turn around and run. We’re not fans of keep and tower turtling and hiding behind zergs – we get straight into the action and always hit everything head on. We also have commanders on at all times of the day as we cater to both NA and Oceanic. Want to roam? Not a problem, we encourage as much WvW play as possible (you might even say that it’s what we specialize in). So let’s get down to the specifics!
What are we looking for?
Dedicated players with a passion for WvW – We do daily WvW runs and we love taking on zergs, no matter the size.
100% repping – DI is a tight-knit group of people. We rely on and trust each other and we want to know that you’ll be with us as well. Your participation counts and that includes repping!
At least one level 80 character – No one likes being the uplevel to get stomped on. Don’t let yourself be rally bait!
Communication is an absolute must – DI functions with TS3, it makes everything much easier and smoother. Even if you don’t have a mic, we still need to know that you’re in there hearing what we’re saying and doing.
Reset night required – Reset night is always fun. We’re not just connected as a guild, we’re connected with all of ET to push out and play hard. Our guild is a serious force and it’s because of all of our players that we’re able to be that strong!
Bonus! Are you Oceanic and looking for a good night krewe to roll with? Then look no further! Our night krewe goes hard at night to ensure that we keep the fights going even when our NA players are done for the day.
So now that I’ve told you what you can do for us, it’s time to share what we as a guild can offer you!
What can DI do for you?
Guild builds – We have many different WvW specific builds that we offer to our members. We’re always improving on them and adding to the builds to make your class the best it can be.
Experienced players on at all times – Even if you’re a bit new to WvW, we can help you jump right in and help you with everything you’ll need to know. As stated before, we have players from all over so someone’s always on to help!
Friends – We’re not just guildmates, we’re friends. DI is a medium guild and there are no cliques and no drama. We’re close with each other and we’re always looking to expand our family!
Quality fights and strategy – We pride ourselves on being zerg busters – it’s what we do! We’re not one trick ponies though, we’re constantly switching up how we fight and we can dominate even in a pinch.
Fun – This is a bit of an obvious one but we’re always having fun and there’s never a dull moment!
Still not sure if you fit the bill? No worries, check the list to see if your class is what we’re looking for!
Classes currently in demand
Warrior – High
Guardian – High
Ranger – Low
Thief – High
Engineer – Moderate
Mesmer – Very High
Elementalist – Very High
Necromancer – Very High
So have we piqued your interest? Want to join? Excellent! If you feel you can do what it takes, you can either contact the following DI members for more information:
Or apply at our website at Damageincorp.net to have a more direct and personal way of telling us who you are and what you can bring to the table.
DI is not just some other WvW guild. We’re a force to be reckoned with and we’ll always be ready to fight. Join in if you think you have what it takes to stand with us.