Darkhaven Elite - Large PvX Guild 400+

Darkhaven Elite - Large PvX Guild 400+

in Looking for...

Posted by: popaz.1524


Hello everyone,

Darkhaven Elite. (DHE) is looking for people to join our guild.

About us:

DHE has been around since the game’s launch and is purely a Guild Wars 2 guild.
We are NOT a multiple platform gaming community so you can expect us to keep on going strong for many years to come.

Our main goal is to have fun with the game. Although our core members come from strictly hardcore gaming backgrounds, we are all getting older and taking on more life responsibilities, so we are going to be taking a slightly more casual approach this time around. We have no explicit age requirement, but we expect all members to be mature. We will always maintain a fun atmosphere, but we will also get things done when it comes down to it. That being said, if you are not comfortable with either a guild that likes joking around a lot or hearing a couple curse words being thrown in here and there, this probably is not the place for you.

What we have to offer:

-Over 400 members with people online around the clock.

-Dungeons: We have people able to run any type of dungeon
and don’t mind teaching new members. We run dungeons every single day of the week.

-Structured PvP: Organized groups running tournaments on most days. We have our own custom arena. This arena will be open to the public most of the time, and we will occasionally make it private for some guild events.

-World VS World: We have weekly WvW events scheduled and usually have small groups roaming throughout the week.

-An active Teamspeak. 75-slot server where we usually have around 20 people at peak times and 50+ on Saturday nights during missions. TeamSpeak server is thoroughly set up with advanced permissions and badges awarded for each level 80 character a member has – these badges come in handy when forming groups.

-Guild events: Weekly events such as trivia, jumping puzzle races, hide and seek, and many more. Winners are always awarded prizes which are made possible by our affluent guild bank.

-Guild buffs: Passive guilds buffs active at all times. The pool of upgrades we rotate through include +5% Gold from Kills, +15% Karma, +10% Magic Find, +10% Gathering Bonus, +5% Kill EXP. Additionally, we frequently put down Guild Heroes Banners and notify everyone of their locations.

-Guild missions: We run all missions at different scheduled times, which allows all members to get their 6 commendations every week.

-Family feel: In our guild every member is valued and might be invited to take part in some of the decisions.

Guild management:

We are always clear out inactive people and bring new blood into the guild. All of our members have either logged in within the last month or have given notice of prolonged absence.

We still have some leadership spots open. If you join our guild and prove to be an asset to the guild, you can be promoted to one of the officer positions.

Even if you are not interested in those positions there are seniority advancements for regular members as well.

Check out our ranking system: http://darkhavenelite.guildlaunch.com/sections/ranksystem

Main forums: http://darkhavenelite.com

If you would like to join the guild you can PM anybody below or apply on our website.


Magus Primordus
Mone Abrahms
Cexy Beast


Purple Laffy Taffy
Hishaur Macloyd
Miss Taken
Plague Wind