Sick and tired of running around with mindless zergs?
Do you have an innate desire to take Bay and Hills in enemy borderlands while outnumbered?
Do you like following around an unkillable cuddly asura?
Maybe, just maybe you like hearing a guardian shout, “COCO SMASH!”
Or perhaps you like to watch a purple thief running around covered in rainbows, confettis, sharks, and kitten.
Then XSV is the guild for you! We are a havoc group that specializes in…causing havoc. Duh.
Also, once we get more members, we would love to move onto zerg busting. For…zerg busting purposes.
All professions are welcome! Please PM Coco Savage, Slicey Dicey, or Fightz X if you have any questions.
PS: Our guild usually plays from 8pm-1am PST
[XSV] Sylvari Thief/Guardian/Mesmer|Asura Warrior|Human Necromancer