Death Before Dishonor [DbD] ~ SBI Server

Death Before Dishonor [DbD] ~ SBI Server

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Posted by: Bear.7803


The Death Before Dishonor Guild ~ [DbD]

Stormbluff Isle Server

Have you ever thought you would like to be part of a Stable Adult Gaming Community? Did you ever want to be in a Gaming Community where there were No Clicks or Game Play Labeling? Where you can PvP, PvE, Craft, be as Active or Inactive as You Like, be as Hardcore or Casual as You Like and Not Feel Like You are Losing Standing in Your Gaming Community?

If you answered yes then DbD may be the Home for you !!!

DbD was founded in 2002 to provide a Relaxed Adult Atmosphere for On Line Gaming. Starting with First Person Shooters, DbD moved into MMOs around 2005. We continued to host FPS Game Servers until 2013 when our membership was considered to be entirely MMO Players.

We provide a Community Owned and Moderated Site and Forum as well as a 50 Man Teamspeak 3 Server. You will find our members to be helpful and friendly. We also try to keep a 10% Magic Find Buff up at all times because every little bit helps!

As far as a “Guild Focus” in GW2 goes I would have to lean to World vs World but there really is none that is set in stone. As long as you are having fun you are in compliance with the Guild Focus!

Do I meet the Requirements?

Really there are only two Requirements we have in DbD. First of all since we are an Adult Gaming Community we ask that our Members be at least 18 Years of Age or Older. Second we ask that our members treat others as they would like to be treated. That’s it!

How do I apply?

The Easiest way to get an invite would be to Jump on DbD Teamspeak and ask for an invite or you could just add me to your Friends list in game. Bear.7803 Other ways would be to make a post in the DbD Forum or Shout Box with a way to contact you in game.

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