Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


OK heres the deal we’re really tired of our present server that does nothing but flip and trade stuff back and forth all day. We like to claim, Buff, upgrade and siege our towers and Keeps and grind the zerg when it comes knocking. Our server doesn’t. We want to grow but with Like minded Gamers that want to win and have fun doing it. Our server doesn’t so we don’t grow. TeamSpeak is mandatory for our guild and we use our own and the servers TS but very rarely do you see others from our server on the public 1. So we’re ready to move but want it to be a place where we will fit in and have the opportunity to grow to what we once were before the free server transfers killed us. as a side note we do like to roam for small group tactics.

(edited by HarryHellspawn.6519)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blodeuyn.2751


Harry! Please come to SBI, we can use your help! LEXS is quite happy here and the community supports us, both with manpower and siege/gold when necessary. You’ll fit in perfectly and help us as we grow.

You’ll also find plenty of people on the SBI TS.

Daevryk wants you here as well! <3

Blodeuyn Tylwyth
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Drein.3271


Try coming to ET we’re just back from our recent slumps, and shot up 3-4 ranks in 3 months, we always upgrade our keeps and tower if possible and will not give them away for free at all. Although some of the tomes we’re outmanned thats just how we get better in fighting defensively. . And now we have a server wide guild alliance teamspeak which will make it easier for new guild to come and join the server

Dreisner – commander thief, Venalis Dreis – Warrior
[CM] [SOL]
Eredon Terrace

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


If you are up for a challenge give SoS a try. We can chat today before reset if you are available.



Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gabby.1752


Hello Harry Come to SBI we would love to have you!

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shunt.6254


What is your time zone? NA?

– Arc [VR]
– GvG us!

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Mostly NA est but got some oceanics atm

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


You’d have a good time on SoS. We start our upgrades in NA, then our Oceanics, SEA, and EU finish them and keep them through those times. Your EST folks will find fully stacked keeps and towers all ready. You won’t have to spend all your time doing your own upgrades.
Your Oceanics will have plenty of people to play with as well.

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: rooney.7968


please, scout on ioJ.
We are a very receptive community, and our server really like to defend our boarderlands.
This is our #1 priority, you would have a great time here.
Check our official thread
-Keeping our BL clean-

we have a very good oceanic coverage.
very active ts3.

[HOPE] Minoria Exaltada
Fort Aspenwood

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Matt.6712



Give us a go on Crystal Desert. We have many defensive WvW players, especially around NA prime time, and would love to have more liked minded gamers to help us defend our home Borderland.

We have a active Community Teamspeak3 server.
And good oceanic and NA coverage.

Framing Armageddon Co-Leader – [WCKD]
Crystal Desert.

(edited by Matt.6712)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: hmsgoddess.3869


OK heres the deal we’re really tired of our present server that does nothing but flip and trade stuff back and forth all day. We like to claim, Buff, upgrade and siege our towers and Keeps and grind the zerg when it comes knocking. Our server doesn’t. We want to grow but with Like minded Gamers that want to win and have fun doing it. Our server doesn’t so we don’t grow. TeamSpeak is mandatory for our guild and we use our own and the servers TS but very rarely do you see others from our server on the public 1. So we’re ready to move but want it to be a place where we will fit in and have the opportunity to grow to what we once were before the free server transfers killed us. as a side note we do like to roam for small group tactics.

Please consider CD! I am a 100% defense commander there. 98% of my time is spent on homeland defense, as well as a kitten lot of my gold on siege and upgrades. I currently am in a guild who’s total focus in homeland defense.
I run (with a great friend of mine) a monthly homeland defense class we just started, and is pretty well supported by the CD community. In addition, CD offers other training sessions for various classes, and play styles.

On top of all that we have great events happening all the time. We play for fun and yes we try kitten hard to kick some kitten too!

Did I mention we are nice and we got cookies! (maybe some beer and wine too along with the occasional hard stuff).

Come play with me!

~ Emma Vine Sixty Nine Shades Of [NUDE] – Crystal Desert

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


NSP for the win!

TBH we have lost several of our defensive players in the BL’s. We could use the support in that area for sure. Currently we are at the top of the Bronze league, but many of us would rather be in the silver finding bigger and better fights to challenge ourselves with.

If your worried about Queue’s? Don’t be, We don’t have any.

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Berk.8561


If you are willing to look at lower tiers (looks like you are from DR so you know what that means), ET has a good group of people who run upgrades, including on camps, and even walk dolyaks when necessary to get upgrades done. Our commanders are generally responsive for calls to help defend, and I’ve seen some great saves if camps, towers, and keeps after the enemy got the capture circle up. One thing that being at the bottom of the rankings for a long time did for ET is give it a tenacious core of people who don’t give up, even when the odds are stacked against them. We don’t deliberately trade camps, towers, keeps, or SM.

While there can be some frustration playing in low-tier servers when one gets outnumbered in a matchup or loses sites due to weak coverage, the great thing is that everyone makes a difference and you’ll be able to have an impact on what happens. You should have the room to carve out the niche you want in a cooperative environment. And nothing tests a defense like having a small tenacious group facing down superior numbers. ET isn’t currently fading. We’re managing to rise in ranking. And ET has people who came down from higher tiers and who transferred away and came back because the higher tiers have their own problems.

ET has a TeamsSpeak server and an active community there.

From an HoD player in the current (9/27) matchup thread for AR/ET/HoD about ET’s play this matchup:

“While we’ve seen a bit of ET recently, it hasn’t been without a dominating force hanging over our heads (IoJ/KN) so this is a little different. ET as a whole seems much more organized especially defensively. Their BL is no longer just a bunch of paper towers waiting to be taken – they’ve got upgrades and frequently ready siege and I frequently see camps with upgraded supply output and defenders reacting quickly. I think they’re doing the best organization wise of any server in this match up by far but I’ve seen a lot of inexperienced players who aren’t used to the new order and the coverage still is spotty.” – kurath.9406

From a recent transfer (a self-described “defensive/roaming commander”) in the latest ET server recruitment thread:

“I transferred to ET last Thursday, and I must say, this server is very organized and has a very fast response time. Everyone here works together and knows what needs to be done, and I don’t see any infighting between players, nor anyone arguing with or griefing commanders. I haven’t gotten on the TS yet, but I am very impressed with the organization on ET and quite satisfied that I transferred here. I came over from NSP, and while I have many friends there, I will not be returning to that server. ET is better organized, the people here are friendlier, and the community as a whole is more mature. Everyone here contributes to wvw and helps out where it is needed, without question or argument, and the players are all committed to making ET the best server that it can be. […] So if you are looking for a good community with a winning team spirit like I described, then please consider moving to ET: you will not be disappointed.” – Riondron.1069

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Berk.8561)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Sounds like IoJ fits the criteria, should definitely check us out!

We’ve got:

- active server TS3
- great oceanic presence (everything you upgrade during the day STAYS upgraded over night)
- lot’s of roaming guilds
- great community, can’t stress it enough how awesome these people are!


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Berk.8561


Looks like it may currently be free to transfer to Medium population servers and discounted to transfer to High until October 17.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Berk.8561)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ekense.5279


Hello Harry!

I would like to suggest you to move to EU server called Gunnars Hold.
With the upcomming leagues we will be in silver league, which I believe will be one of the most exciting leagues.

Gunnars Hold server is a server who has loyal WvW crew with 5 WvW focused guilds who have raids almost everynight during EU prime-time.
Our weak spots are weekday mornings and over weekends, where we are mostly a borderland that gets steamrolled.

We would be so excited if you would take an opportunity to consider our server, with our boost in our ranks we could be even aiming for 1st spot in silver league.

We don’t want to be a blob server, our guilds runs always alone without commander tags, while we have pug commanders who lead raids on our server teamspeak and coordinating with guilds on borderlands.

Please take a moment and and check our recruitment page

Server: Gunnar’s Hold

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yep can definetly vouch for IoJ. We love defending and we continue to improve ourselves in that aspect, your guild could sure help us with it

We use teamspeak a lot and having a defensive guild to scout for us and be able to defend objectives on your own is huge for us.

I could go on, but seems my server mates already summed us up pretty well

Cheers, good luck whereever you decide to go

Commander Nachonix

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Here’s a few screen shots of how we siege this is sw towerNotice guild emblem some that have faught us i’m sure remember these towers..


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Heres where the siege begins


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


and another for some reason


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


it won’t let me do


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


More than 1 attachment


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


per post in here am I


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Doing something wrong or is it the way the forum is set up?


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Buddy.7563


If you preview before posting, you will be able to post another attachment after each preview.

Tom Badgerstache (Necro)
Gate of Madness [ART]

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shryock.4039


Hello [FOCK] guild,

It is a good thing that you are a defensive guild which our server really lack at. I was thinking if your guild will move to Anvil Rock and join us. It is because our guild are trying to put back its WvW. It would be nice if you transfer to our server and help us out. My guild has both US & Oceanic timezone so it would be nice if we work together in WvW.
Please take time and take a look to our newly made facebook group:

Sire Francis [Zero]
Organization Zero [Zero] | Blackgate

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: PSYCHOSIM.2935


Goodmorning from far shiverpeaks.

We have dedicated players who upgrade everything during the day/night. We are currently rebuilding our WvW, and had the pleasure of RiOT joining our server. At the moment it costs only 800 gems to transfer to our server, and i think we would love to help you move ( money wise ).

If you are interested, check out

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


If you preview before posting, you will be able to post another attachment after each preview.


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ekense.5279


Harry I really like those photos you include, really shows you have style in defending, as most people don’t, they just play WvW for karma trains /wxp.

And that’s why I think our server is perfect for you, we don’t have karma trains, not because we can’t, because we refuse that style of play(maybe only EB in daily hours, when commanders put tags for fun).

It would be awesome if you guys could insta transfer to our server, in this current matchup we are fighting FSP & UW, FSP has a really good and decent American guild, and I think you would have much fun jumping bl and looking for fights with those Americans!

Once againg, check our recruitment page.

Server: Gunnar’s Hold

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HeNnAz.8913


Hey man, you should come to AR. We were a great WvW server. That all changed but, people left and the community became bitter and spiteful. We could do with a few more guilds coming. So far my guild [Zero] and a few others have been clawing our way out of hell, we have a couple of vids up on youtube but… we can’t do enough. Please, we need your support!

Have a look =D

It’s ya boy fred.
I’ll suck volcanus for stability.

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: playard.6035


Mostly NA est but got some oceanics atm

Harry, you and Daev seem always to work on south tower sieges at some very weird time! Say, in the early morning of NA Pacific / server time. XD

Come join us and continue our trash... fun trash talks on SBI!
(at least you’ll get Daev, a huge bonus reuniting with us!)

No matter what, we would tell you all the pros and cons (if any) on SBI, and maybe other server we faced last month. You can easily find us in-game or on SBI TS. Or just shoot us an in-game message or a whisper, I think we’ll figure out where to talk.

Hello Harry Come to SBI we would love to have you!

^ BTW, This is Emeroldjade, the genuine and non-GMO one.


Deko* — Die-hard PvE-in-WvW veteran & noob commander
map chat spammer, siege lover/hater, and, well, I care bears.
League of Ex-Siegers, nonetheLEXS, for now, still Rest on Stormbluff Isle

(edited by playard.6035)

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: PSYCHOSIM.2935


You should really check out far shiverpeaks at this moment.

We had the pleasure of 2 amazing skilled guilds joining us thusfar. RiOT and VoTF. both have earned respect in WvW on several servers. We still have no Queues on any border or EB. If your interested, check out our recruitment page or checkout

Its still only 800gems to transfer, and the server is willing to help ( money wise )

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


Hi. Yaks Bend is renowned for defensive siege play. A lot commanders and pugs know where to place siege and how to use it effectively. The site is if you want to visit us. Feel free to join us on our TS and see us in action on reset night or whatever day is good for you. Thanks.

Seems like you guys are from DR. If you know SoCo, they have recently moved to YB. I’m sure they would be more than happy to give you a rundown of our playstyle.


Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: HarryHellspawn.6519


Stormbluff is the server that was chosen ty for your interest.

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cynz.9437


you guys fought us for few weeks now and saw how much IOJ cares about own defense, i don’t think i wouldn’t need to write long paragraphs here; some ppl from SBI was complaining how much we like to sieg up

try IOJ if you don’t care about gold

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: kribre.9683


Here at Aurora Glade, EU, we starting up more defensive play day after day, as we barely have a night and morning coverage anymore, it’s really important for us that the few players that are online during those hours have upgraded camps, towers and keeps that’s also sieged up. Having more defensive players during those hours will just strenghten our friendly server even more, something which is badly needed for us atm. This week we are fighting a rank 6 and 8 servers, while we are rank 15. We are holding our ground very good and ticking the highest during the EU-primetime, but are dropping down to 100-150 points during night and morning due to very low coverage at those times.
Therefore we would more then gladly welcome you to our humble server and good luck with the possible move in the comming future!
(Also if you have more questions, dont be afraid to give me a PM)

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Defensive Guild Thinking of moving .

in Looking for...

Posted by: RazGerb.6173


Try Ehmry Bay,
NA Server that has a great community in WvW.
We are in need of more defensive dedicated guilds.
Ehmry Bay can offer
-500 slot Server Teamspeak with Requested Guild Channels (
-The most active server forum,
-Dedicated Active Commanders and Organizations
-Proactive and Very Powerful Community
-High Population (reduced server transfer)
-Very Active NA presence

Legendary RazGerb|Razris|Razgrox|Razxerius|Razalos
RazGerb The Machine/Tempest/Inferno
~The Best Rager Ranger NA~