Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752



We did it Desolation. We survived the Zombie-Apocalypse and Napoleon Bonaparte. We have lost many guilds to the zombie attacks but have become more unified overall. We must stay vigilant as Bonaparte still lives and may return again in force.

We have however a new enemy from the seas. Davy Jones and his Seafarers have washed ashore with an army that neither sleeps nor eats. These swashbuckling pirates are actually land lovers to the point they hold much of keeps and towers. Like a tide they belt against our tower doors day and night. It is said they have been cursed with an unnatural appearance and the inability to sleep at night. They can be heard singing “yo ho ho and a bottle of rum” while taking a supply camp near you.

We need more good folk to join our ranks to send these land loving pirates back to sea and out of our borderlands

About Desolation (EU)

  • Longest standing Rival to Vizunah Square
  • Weekly leaders meeting
  • A foundation of long-standing guilds since beta
  • Serverwide Offical Forums
  • Serverwide community teamspeak Desospeak
  • Heavy WvW coverage
  • No Queues (5~10 min EU Prime only certain BL)

(edited by omphin.1752)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752




(edited by omphin.1752)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Bumping this up.

We still have room for more dedicated players, amazing well-organized & fun community. We have good changes to end up #2 in the Gold league. Players from all over the world at all times, but especially our morning coverage would need some help.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Satan Blaze.8237

Satan Blaze.8237

need more dedicated fun loving players

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

We did it Desolation. We survived the Zombie-Apocalypse and Napoleon Bonaparte. We have lost many guilds to the zombie attacks but have become more unified overall. We must stay vigilant as Bonaparte still lives and may return again in force.

We have however a new enemy from the seas. Davy Jones and his Seafarers have washed ashore with an army that neither sleeps nor eats. These swashbuckling pirates are actually land lovers to the point they hold much of keeps and towers. Like a tide they belt against our tower doors day and night. It is said they have been cursed with an unnatural appearance and the inability to sleep at night. They can be heard singing “yo ho ho and a bottle of rum” while taking a supply camp near you.

We need more good folk to join our ranks to send these land loving pirates back to sea and out of our borderlands

About Desolation (EU)

  • Longest standing Rival to Vizunah Square
  • Weekly leaders meeting
  • A foundation of long-standing guilds since beta
  • Serverwide Offical Forums
  • Serverwide community teamspeak Desospeak
  • Heavy WvW coverage
  • No Queues (5~10 min EU Prime only certain BL)

You believe this kitten on your own really? The longest stadning VZ rival?! the server that purposely dropped to silver league? just to win against outnumbered opposotion??! long standing guilds from the beta? Where are Iron Gd then? and others..
Yeah you have god blob guid, and PT, Unit….
so much wrong info in a single post… Just for the single purpose to beat the single server in game that always have been primarily pvp/wvw ..And btw you guys understand that league is over the best you can be is second anyway do your math.. with the weeks left and the points to be won… Or you think you can bump sfr to 3th few weeks? in a row?
Good job though I suppose you still have the best pve comanders though….

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Davy Jones and his Seafarers have washed ashore with an army that neither sleeps nor eats. They can be heard singing “yo ho ho and a bottle of rum” while taking a supply camp near you.

rofles!!!!!!! this made my day HAAHAHAHAHAH xD

just add this

Btw, SFR look forward to have more fun and interesting matchups with you guys
Gl with the recruitments!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

You believe this kitten on your own really? The longest stadning VZ rival?! the server that purposely dropped to silver league? just to win against outnumbered opposotion??! long standing guilds from the beta? Where are Iron Gd then? and others..
Yeah you have god blob guid, and PT, Unit….
so much wrong info in a single post… Just for the single purpose to beat the single server in game that always have been primarily pvp/wvw ..And btw you guys understand that league is over the best you can be is second anyway do your math.. with the weeks left and the points to be won… Or you think you can bump sfr to 3th few weeks? in a row?
Good job though I suppose you still have the best pve comanders though….

The Iron Triangle[IRON] left Desolation over a year ago, but look where they are now. The Iron Hall [IRON] is still on Desolation. Like almost every guild, which has left Desolation: they are just a weak shadow of what they used to be when they were in Desolation. Probably the best WvWvW guild of all time in Guild Wars 2 was Vengeance of the Fallen. Sadly VotF sadly quit the game, but some of their players came back to Desolation. Desolation players co-operate and fight for the server, not just for the pride of some individual guild.

SFR has always been WvWvW focused, but their focus on pvp (and pve) is really weak. In fact no other server stands against Desolation when it comes to pvp:

Desolation has all the top spots and about 50% of the TOP50 pvp players. SFR has no players in TOP50. SFR has several good WvWvW guilds, who are mostly organized hammer trains and very strong morning presence, which gives them the wins, but their small scale roamers are weak. I would argue that Kodash and Desolation are the best gold league servers in small scale roaming. Riverside and Augury Rock also have some formidable small scale roamers and I would welcome any of them happily to play on Desolation. I remember Vizunah also having some amazing roamers, but I haven’t faced them in a while, so I am not sure if they are still there. I know everybody wants to tell that VS is all about blobbing, but this isn’t the complete truth.

Most of the best Guild vs Guild (GvG) guilds are in Silver league of EU, not in gold. I would argue that the general quality of the WvWvW players in silver league is higher than in the gold league. I am not 100% sure about this after the massive transfers to Gandara. Logically their server is super stacked and probably has plenty of low quality players as well. SFR has surely also received their fair share of bandwagoners and these usually lead to internal struggles and queues. The reason why some servers are in gold and why some are in silver is coverage: gold servers tend to have better off-prime time coverage.

Being #2 in the gold league is not bad. The rewards are almost as good as the winner gets.

PS. If you didn’t understand the humor Omphin put to his 1st post, maybe Desolation is not your server. We have a lot of fun moments, laughter, but also strict command talk on our server-wide TeamSpeak.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grok.6714


You believe this kitten on your own really? The longest stadning VZ rival?! the server that purposely dropped to silver league? just to win against outnumbered opposotion??! long standing guilds from the beta? Where are Iron Gd then? and others..
Yeah you have god blob guid, and PT, Unit….
so much wrong info in a single post… Just for the single purpose to beat the single server in game that always have been primarily pvp/wvw ..And btw you guys understand that league is over the best you can be is second anyway do your math.. with the weeks left and the points to be won… Or you think you can bump sfr to 3th few weeks? in a row?
Good job though I suppose you still have the best pve comanders though….

The Iron Triangle[IRON] left Desolation over a year ago, but look where they are now. The Iron Hall [IRON] is still on Desolation. Like almost every guild, which has left Desolation: they are just a weak shadow of what they used to be when they were in Desolation. Probably the best WvWvW guild of all time in Guild Wars 2 was Vengeance of the Fallen. Sadly VotF sadly quit the game, but some of their players came back to Desolation. Desolation players co-operate and fight for the server, not just for the pride of some individual guild.

SFR has always been WvWvW focused, but their focus on pvp (and pve) is really weak. In fact no other server stands against Desolation when it comes to pvp:

Desolation has all the top spots and about 50% of the TOP50 pvp players. SFR has no players in TOP50. SFR has several good WvWvW guilds, who are mostly organized hammer trains and very strong morning presence, which gives them the wins, but their small scale roamers are weak. I would argue that Kodash and Desolation are the best gold league servers in small scale roaming. Riverside and Augury Rock also have some formidable small scale roamers and I would welcome any of them happily to play on Desolation. I remember Vizunah also having some amazing roamers, but I haven’t faced them in a while, so I am not sure if they are still there. I know everybody wants to tell that VS is all about blobbing, but this isn’t the complete truth.

Most of the best Guild vs Guild (GvG) guilds are in Silver league of EU, not in gold. I would argue that the general quality of the WvWvW players in silver league is higher than in the gold league. I am not 100% sure about this after the massive transfers to Gandara. Logically their server is super stacked and probably has plenty of low quality players as well. SFR has surely also received their fair share of bandwagoners and these usually lead to internal struggles and queues. The reason why some servers are in gold and why some are in silver is coverage: gold servers tend to have better off-prime time coverage.

Being #2 in the gold league is not bad. The rewards are almost as good as the winner gets.

PS. If you didn’t understand the humor Omphin put to his 1st post, maybe Desolation is not your server. We have a lot of fun moments, laughter, but also strict command talk on our server-wide TeamSpeak.

The Pirate Council has voted Deniara as our official server chronicler. She has invested so much time to study us and knows SFR’s struggles so well that this job fits her like a glove.

@ Deniara, please sign up on the SFR community page to be officially instated.
Don’t forget your resumee , transfer fee gems and also a printout of your five longest GW2 forum rants that do not contain straw man agruments, links to 3rd party statistic sites or mentions of sPvP in a WvW-related topic.

Again, congratulations.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

(edited by Grok.6714)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

The Pirate Council has voted Deniara as our official server chronicler. She has invested so much time to study us and knows SFR’s struggles so well that this job fits her like a glove.

@ Deniara, please sign up on the SFR community page to be officially instated.
Don’t forget your resumee , transfer fee gems and also a printout of your five longest GW2 forum rants that do not contain straw man agruments, links to 3rd party statistic sites or mentions of sPvP in a WvW-related topic.

Again, congratulations.

Thanks for your “wonderful” offer, but I already have a well-paying full-time job + kids. And I plan to spend big part of my 2 months summer vacation traveling around the world, taking photos of amazing sights, normal people in the countryside and meet the most interesting people of this planet. Yes, this means much less GW2 for me, unless the hotels will offer fast-enough connection to play.

Your server seems to already have its fair share of fairy tale tellers. The latest you can find in these threads:
“Deso pve players from call to arms” <— Please explain me how you do a pve call in arms with the current megaserver system?
“And SFR never run when they see a Deso blob but Deso is always running …” <— LOL Yesterday evening in EBG we were chasing a fleeing SFR blob across half of the map and killed almost all of it

This thread has the best “gems” from SFR players:
“And Deniara guy is still talking bulkitten after 2 years in the game god he is like desolation version of Troma.”

Everybody knows I am just a small piece in the puzzle. Desolation has never had a grand alliance like Troma and Vizunah had. I even rarely nowadays pop my tag on me, because the real life work load is almost killing me. But some of the legendary commanders are back: Yesterday evening EBG had Moorta and leader of an ex-Deso guild commanding.

Desolation still needs more dedicated WvWvW players and commanders for the morning and day time.

More serious note: If you sorely lack players, please start your own recruitment thread, unless you want to be infracted on these posts.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

More serious note: If you sorely lack players, please start your own recruitment thread, unless you want to be infracted on these posts.

Oh is this not a SFR recruitment thread? I thought the sound of drinking rum and singing while taking supply camps was enough to get everyone enlisted on board the good ship jolly rogered.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


I’d like to transfer to Deso from my current server because my server insists on purposely throwing match ups to stay in low silver (I’ve heard them say this) and if we get stomped on the first day no one shows up for the rest of the week, plus our commanders seem more interested in camp/tower flipping for karma than actually holding/securing/upgrading objectives except for one or two who do an amazing job leading the randoms, and I give those 3 guys the utmost respect/kudos/props and internet hugs, they genuinely do a fantastic job but a lot are simply ruining what WvW should be. It’s becoming more apparent that WvW on my server is treated more like PvE.

I’d like to know if Deso is more WvW than it is PvE because I plan on staying with my guild but transferring servers and guesting for guild missions, hide and seek events and other silliness my current guild offers on my home server.


Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I know there is a lot trash talk about Desolation being only a pve server, but look at the match results.

Desolation is now #2 in the gold league (both in points and rating). I think that is enough proof that we got a lively WvWvW community and good coverage.

Transfer cost to Desolation is just 1000 gems.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


Definitely considering transferring to Desolation when the spring tournament is up. Hope the transfer cost doesn’t go up after that.


Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I am afraid the transfer prices will go up after 30th of May 2014. Desolation is a very high population server, thus we would normally be in the most expensive bracket. This is however mere speculation as Arenanet hasn’t announced post-Spring league transfer pricing.

The tournament period transfer costs are here:

The current transfer cost to Desolation is just 1000 gems, because we were rank 8 at the start of the tournament. Nine weeks ago Desolation was EU rank 10, so we have been climbing up the ladder really fast.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grotesque.6480



Like almost every guild, which has left Desolation: they are just a weak shadow of what they used to be when they were in Desolation.


We’ll see about that when I’ll beat the living kitten out of you.

Nonetheless, beautiful post as always Omphin, always loved yours especially the zombie apocalypse last year haha.

Team Aggression [TA]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948


Like almost every guild, which has left Desolation: they are just a weak shadow of what they used to be when they were in Desolation.


We’ll see about that when I’ll beat the living kitten out of you.

Nonetheless, beautiful post as always Omphin, always loved yours especially the zombie apocalypse last year haha.

Relax mate. I wrote: “almost every guild”. ;-)

You know Desolation is more about fighting for the server and than for the pride of some individual guilds. I very much respect what you, Grostesque, and many other [vE] players and what you did for Desolation. I wish you good luck in the Silver.

Desolation definitely still needs more dedicated WvWvW players, guilds and commanders (especially those who are willing to lead PuGs in the EU morning, day time and afternoon hours). We are currently “enjoying” the outnumbered buff on SFR borderlands in prime time.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752


The Tide is turning on the pirates! Come plunder their loot with us


(edited by omphin.1752)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


The Tide is turning on the pirates! Come plunder their loot with us

Yeah, why not! Enjoy it as long as it last
…after winning the league with TWO weeks of advatange on any opponent we were a little exhausted and most of the community voted to take a well deserved rest for some days! We will be back all together playing as usual for the next matchup!

Rather than this, there are a couple of things i would like to discuss with Deso community can u guys please give me an in-game name to contact? Thank you

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

The Tide is turning on the pirates! Come plunder their loot with us

LMAO…. there are hardly any pirates in wvw at the moment we are taking a Seafarer’s REST after winning the tournament… we are just pottering about in small roaming groups looking for small fights and not bothering with defensive stuff. This week you will be lucky to see a zerg of more than 10ppl outside of prime time.

I was solo roaming the last two days and I’ve already lost count of the number of deso I stomped. And although I was purposely trying to avoid fights with RS… I stomped quite a lot of them too who didn’t take the hint that I was only interested in fighting Deso.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752


I guess nobody should wake Davy Jones so eh?


Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


The Tide is turning on the pirates! Come plunder their loot with us

The war is already won, it’s a bit late turning up a week too late and think the tide is turning. If SFR were out in full force, you’d know it.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752


The war is already won, it’s a bit late turning up a week too late and think the tide is turning. If SFR were out in full force, you’d know it.

The War is not over, just the battle. As it is Desolation is gaining new ground each week becoming stronger and stronger. Its true SFR are still tops, for now. Maybe that will change soon, maybe it won’t. It might be that next time we will close the gap that was between the two servers, it wasn’t a big gap after all.

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Just ignore the SFR trolls on this thread and other Desolation recruitment threads. Their tactic is to aggravate people by doing personal attacks and spread half trues or plain lies. Luckily it is just few people, so I don’t know how well that represents the rest of the server.

To SFR, I can give you a good hint if you want to communicate:
Start by being more polite. Last time I had in game chat with an SFR player, it started with an insult. For comparison, the players from the French servers have been polite and behaving much more mature.

I have also seen /laugh emotes, several SFR guys standing inside their tower and sitting on ACs and me outside alone killing all the guards. I do not use any troll build, no stealth, no shadowstep, no mobility warrior, unlike almost all the SFR solo roamers who run with troll mesmer or thief builds.

It is true that SFR is not running at full force this week, but they certainly have much bigger numbers than 10 people outside prime time. They are also focusing on Desolation. And Desolation hasn’t been playing full force this week either. Zero queue to any of the 4 maps at prime time should tell something.

Now it is good time to join Desolation, just 1000 gems (till 30th of May). You will get rewards based on the server which you are associated with (= did most of the WvWvW action during the leagues).

PS. I think it would be best for the healthy future of this game to have more equal WvWvW servers, not just one badly behaving bully.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I got a story to tell you: (Warning, if you do not understand humor, do not read further)

Once upon a time there was a kingdom of Sea Fairies. It lived in peaceful harmony with Birate Bay. Sometimes skirmishing, but never anything serious. But then came the Desolators. The king of the Sea Fairies was shocked. How can the beat us both in dry land and in the sea. “Weren’t the Desolators famous of getting their loot from the dungeons? Why they are now after my treasures”, the king of Seafairies asked. So he made a pact with Birate Bay. Together with the never sleeping zombie thieves and hackers of the Birate Bay they would surely defeat the Desolators. They began a relentless attack, both attacking the Desolators non-stop, but never each other. “They will soon have nothing. This will surely break their bones and make them want to quit”, the king of Sea Fairies was thinking. But he didn’t know the Desolators, as their morale just goes higher the more you push them. And oh that loot and all those epic tales. Soon all the treasures of the Birate Bay and SeaFaries were stolen by the Desolators.

Boys and girls, this story is true.

Now the Desolators still need more troops to cure the outnumbered malady. Queues are never long. Cookies and rum for everyone!

The transfer price to Desolation is still mere 1000 gems till the end of the Seasons (30th of May). Join EU’s highest ranking International server NOW.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752


Desolation, the never give up Spirit

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I got another story to tell you: (Warning: do not read further if you don’t understand humor)

The King of Sea Fairies was bitter of his demise. Birate Bay was burning down and soon dropped off the ladder and sunk to the sea. The King of Sea Fairies decided to make a deal with Rivercart, famous group for their unparalleled skills in using arrow carts and other siege weapons. “Our combined constant attacks on the Desolators, will surely break their bones and spirit. Double teaming for the win”, the King of Sea Fairies was declaring.

Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see this story is not yet finished. Come to write the next chapter of the story with us.

Desolation: Current EU rank #1, very low queues (usually none to any map), great fun international community, organized server wide TS, loot bags guaranteed. Both dedicated players, guilds and commanders are needed. EU tier #1 is not just blobbing. Lots of Desolators are doing roaming everyday, either solo or in very small groups and the lag hasn’t lately been an issue. Anything can be captured with just few guys.

PS. I really recommend to buy extra 20 slot bags. The amount of loot Desolators get from their bitter enemies is amazing.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anaktas.7390


(Warning: do not read further if you don’t understand humor)

Once upon a time there was a league
And mighty Deso was playing against the Seaf

For every outsider that comes to interrupt
Deso believed his was the victim of a skunk

For every double team there was a prank
Developed by Seaf for his fun

Jade Sea,Baruch and now Riverside
How can Seaf control all those in the fight?

Something is wrong but Deso can’t understand
A terrible plot must taking his land

And thus Seaf was the skunk
And Deso pointed Seaf as the junk

But the league is now over, and why not the prank?
Did Seaf the junk, still hold a grudge?

Something isn’t right, and it cannot be
How can Seafarer control all these?

And in its delusions Deso was lost
Flaming and blaming all for his cause

Then Seaf raised his glass on Deso and said “cheers”!
Seaferers are now feasting on wine and Deso tears!

Commander of Seafarer’s Rest.
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

The previous two match ups have been fair. The enemy server focus against Desolation has been close to 50-52%. The double focus happens only when a certain server is against Desolation. So WHO is actually holding the grudge?

Here is a quote from another thread written by Arcturus.8109:

“while sfr has elitist tactics (dat notag commanders) and particular propensity to manipulate and coordinate other’s servers attack vectors (thought I’m a bit sad that sfr started to slack really hard at the end and haven’t pushed deso at 3rd place)”

But back to topic: Desolation is far from being full. We do the best we can with the numbers we have. Prime time could have 1-3 more guilds and morning is our weak moment, but we are working on that. We got the strongest night team in EU. Golden Horde [GH] has been great addition to Desolation and DVG come back. And I am happy to see lots of other new players and commanders from different servers (also who came from SFR) to join Desolation.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jarni.7402


We did it Desolation. We survived the Zombie-Apocalypse and Napoleon Bonaparte. We have lost many guilds to the zombie attacks but have become more unified overall. We must stay vigilant as Bonaparte still lives and may return again in force.

We have however a new enemy from the seas. Davy Jones and his Seafarers have washed ashore with an army that neither sleeps nor eats. These swashbuckling pirates are actually land lovers to the point they hold much of keeps and towers. Like a tide they belt against our tower doors day and night. It is said they have been cursed with an unnatural appearance and the inability to sleep at night. They can be heard singing “yo ho ho and a bottle of rum” while taking a supply camp near you.

We need more good folk to join our ranks to send these land loving pirates back to sea and out of our borderlands

About Desolation (EU)

  • Longest standing Rival to Vizunah Square
  • Weekly leaders meeting
  • A foundation of long-standing guilds since beta
  • Serverwide Offical Forums
  • Serverwide community teamspeak Desospeak
  • Heavy WvW coverage
  • No Queues (5~10 min EU Prime only certain BL)

You believe this kitten on your own really? The longest stadning VZ rival?! the server that purposely dropped to silver league? just to win against outnumbered opposotion??! long standing guilds from the beta? Where are Iron Gd then? and others..
Yeah you have god blob guid, and PT, Unit….
so much wrong info in a single post… Just for the single purpose to beat the single server in game that always have been primarily pvp/wvw ..And btw you guys understand that league is over the best you can be is second anyway do your math.. with the weeks left and the points to be won… Or you think you can bump sfr to 3th few weeks? in a row?
Good job though I suppose you still have the best pve comanders though….

+1 to Hebril.

If you check the records (which you can easily check at, you will see that the longest consecutive winning streak of one-week matchups is 14 in a row, on the name of…yes, Seafarer’s Rest. The streak started a while before Season 2 and lasted the first 7 weeks of the Season

No EU nor NA server ever did better than us at this


Anyway, I love wiping Cryolation all the time these days
So I will personally enter Deso territory quite often for 2 reasons:

1) To make you guys act like lil’ kids even more on the forums
2) Because you guys are easy to farm for loot bags

Anyway, good luck with the server recruitments!
It might just get me some more walking loot bags to farm

BUMP for Cryolation!

Servers: Desolation (1) / Piken Square (2)
Main characters: Jarni The Catmander (1) / Jarni Goes Wild (2)
Gank Me Harder [FURY]

Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: omphin.1752


Thanks to our Soldiers we have been able to keep the Pirates at bay. It is believed that the pirates are low on rum and hungover, a result of enjoying too much partying as top server!


Deso Recruitment - Seafaring land lovers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Valdemas.4960


Bump from a passing by Seafarer. Please join Deso, best server and commanders. Some of the most famous SFR commanders started joining over. Best time to be Deso for sure.

Thumbs up, 10/10 would join.

Vinita Rush, ZDs Officer