Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: chrissybranso.8073


Tired of being a small fish in a big pond? Tired of playing second fiddle to the blob guilds on your server? Looking for an opportunity to play and fight your way with other guilds who are willing to work together?

Devona’s Rest is the place for you!

We are a growing and friendly server and what we currently lack in numbers, we make up for in skill. DR groups consistently take down groups that outnumber us and we have fun doing it! So come be a part of something unique, something that isn’t the meta, something that you can help create. All we ask from any guild, or individual is that you come with an attitude of cooperation and willingness to help us rise as a family. It has to be fun!

The DR community loves working together and having fun with weekly events, activities, and raids, but our guilds are the heart of our community. Get to know our community and find the right fit for you!

A sample of some of our guilds:

WvW-Focused Guilds
[FS] Farscape A casual playing, friendly guild looking to grow. Contact: CherokeeBabe.4578, PrettyShield.8107

[GIT] Git Off Our Lawn We take great pride in defending DR through roaming, sieging, upgrading, skirmishing, and, at times, all out group fighting. So come join us! We have a place for everyone! Contact: Sus.3610, Makutajoe.4718

[SM] The Steel Ministry Laid back guild that enjoys running wvw most of the time, floating across the bl’s, zerg busting/hunt in eotm, we particularly enjoy small group fights rather than blobs and boast a number of skilled roamers and pvpers. Contact: shokunin.3675, Csmith.7896

PvX Guilds
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises Recruiting drunken zerglings! 18+ TS PvX, WvW & GvG. “Fun is mandatory” Contact: Multinovae.5918

[TAS] The Asuran Squad We won’t fall short of you other guilds! We are TAS and we love representing DR through WvW. We also do PvE events such as Dungeons and Guild Missions. Come join us today and check out what’s on the down low! Contact: GuidKay.9642, Michael.5348

For general server info, please contact our admins: sus.3610, adrielle.2109, chrissybranso.8073

Instant Punishment
[GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest Council Member

(edited by chrissybranso.8073)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675


Check us out! !

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: RevanTheMighty.6832


Bump Great Server

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109



Any inquiries about Devona’s Rest and what it has to offer you or your guild can be directed to our server admins either here or in-game.

Serge Azel.9145

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

(edited by adrielle.2109)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675


seriously has one of the best communities. never looked back since i transferred here with my guild over a year ago.

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: REBEL.6593



*Great people
*Great Fun
*Great Action



Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheSkeptic.4780


Check out for a great welcome video to get to know us better!

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


? /15 chars


Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dermal.8647


Great community on DR except this guy ^^ lol but who doesn’t have people like that. Otherwise DR is a great place to be. Why not help the server make it make up into the higher tiers friendly people who care about eachother. Its a nice family/friendly environment to be in.

Jade Quarry – [IG] Instagram United – Officer

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


Help Loosmaster change his forum signature! Recruit him someone!

This is a great server. We don’t always win, but we are obviously trying to change that by recruiting here. We have fun always tho. Server events, class zergs, Mafia games on the forums, inter guild missions, and a generally strong sense of community for those that want to be a part of it Don’t just take our word for it, visit us at and see the community activity there. It’s bustling, so you can imagine what it’s like in game!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sus.3610)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Great community on DR except this guy ^^ lol but who doesn’t have people like that. Otherwise DR is a great place to be. Why not help the server make it make up into the higher tiers friendly people who care about eachother. Its a nice family/friendly environment to be in.

LOL says the guy who transferred off with his guild…

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dermal.8647


Great community on DR except this guy ^^ lol but who doesn’t have people like that. Otherwise DR is a great place to be. Why not help the server make it make up into the higher tiers friendly people who care about eachother. Its a nice family/friendly environment to be in.

LOL says the guy who transferred off with his guild…

We did not transfer bc the community was bad we transferred bc we are a fight guild and unfortunately there weren’t enough fights. The community is great and I still join them in teamspeak nonetheless

Jade Quarry – [IG] Instagram United – Officer

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


No where in my post did I question the community. Your statement is just as lame as every other guild on different servers that transfer to them, bleed it of players and leave under the guise of “We are a fight guild”. My complaint is with the PVF’ers ".

“We have fun always tho. Server events, class zergs, Mafia games on the forums, inter guild missions, and a generally strong sense of community for those that want to be a part of it Don’t just take our word for it, visit us at and see the community activity there. "

There are two sides to every story, I’m just reporting the reality of not looking through the Rose colored glasses they all seem to be wearing.


Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Dear Loosmaster, while I can’t personally fund your transfer off this server, I will offer some advice. If you’re not happy somewhere – the door is always open. You didn’t sign a contract commitment to this server when you joined and you’re free to leave whenever you’re dissatisfied (which, for you, is often).

The majority of the loyal people who are here – are happy with the community, enjoy the fights that we have, as well as the roaming opportunities that present themselves, and are dedicated to making our server atmosphere fun and our events inclusive.

Sadly, you fall within the 0.5% of people who would rather kitten and moan on the forums than change their situation.

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Serge Azel.9145

Serge Azel.9145

No where in my post did I question the community. Your statement is just as lame as every other guild on different servers that transfer to them, bleed it of players and leave under the guise of “We are a fight guild”. My complaint is with the PVF’ers ".

“We have fun always tho. Server events, class zergs, Mafia games on the forums, inter guild missions, and a generally strong sense of community for those that want to be a part of it Don’t just take our word for it, visit us at and see the community activity there. "

There are two sides to every story, I’m just reporting the reality of not looking through the Rose colored glasses they all seem to be wearing.

With all due respect, I simply do not understand your point of view here.
As to your screenshot, we’re T8. This is the world we live in. We have so little NA morning and night coverage, its not even funny. Well, it kinda is. But at 8:00 am my time, I would -not- be surprised to see this. BP is T7 at this point, lets face it. They have better coverage obviously, and more people.

We’re trying to work on that. I mean, cmon, why else would we have a giant recruitment thread if we didn’t want more people to come hang out with us?
This isn’t PvF; PvF is the drama you’ll get on the WvW forums.

As for[Boop], [Boop] is not an average “gash & dash” guild. You realize, they are tiny, exclusive, and let only their closest friends and the ‘best of the best’ in with them, because they’re roamers. They’re not the “get your sentinels and lets go” hammer train heroes. These are the guys that spend all day hanging out, and having a good time. They’ve been with us for so long. I honestly don’t blame em for going!

But that’s beside the point. You say there’s two sides of the story, but your complaint seems to be directed solely at the fact that… we have a forum thread dedicated towards advertising our server and community. And that our community isn’t always WvWing during irregular NA hours (though, might I point to our weekly, Sunday “Breakfast with a side of Zerg” event? not to be a shameless plug).

What is your side of the story?

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dermal.8647


No where in my post did I question the community. Your statement is just as lame as every other guild on different servers that transfer to them, bleed it of players and leave under the guise of “We are a fight guild”. My complaint is with the PVF’ers ".

“We have fun always tho. Server events, class zergs, Mafia games on the forums, inter guild missions, and a generally strong sense of community for those that want to be a part of it Don’t just take our word for it, visit us at and see the community activity there. "

There are two sides to every story, I’m just reporting the reality of not looking through the Rose colored glasses they all seem to be wearing.

Just wanted to make sure you knew nobody in my guild wasn’t originally from DR even the ones that transferred I personally transferred almost everybody in Boop to DR by myself. Therefore bleeding the server dry that wasn’t on my part Hope you have a wonderful day though. And I still stand behind my statement that DR is a great family-friendly oriented server for anyone looking for that. I can still join in on their website, Teamspeak, and even server events if i choose.

Jade Quarry – [IG] Instagram United – Officer

(edited by Dermal.8647)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gringo Pete.8036

Gringo Pete.8036

DR confirmed for best community NA, 10/10 would make great friends there again. The greatest lovers always draw the saltiest haters


Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: catnmaus.9352


I love DR. It’s been my home for a few years and this is a great server. Yes, we’re T8 at the moment but we keep it in perspective. This is a game, and it’s supposed to be enjoyable. We love competition and we wish to go higher, but if we’re having a bad week we make the most of it. Heck, I’ve seen server events where we had another rival server join in on the fun! But when we’re able to fight, we battle hard, and battle clean.
The pugs, the guilds, the commanders, the roamers…some of the best people I’ve ever played with. If you want a great community, come here.


(edited by catnmaus.9352)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

As an outsider (For the Pass!), can confirm that DR has a great community. Their server website has really been growing over the past couple months, and they have a great core group of players invested in guaranteeing people can have fun without pretense

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrStalinMan.1708


Plus the DR community has more of mom’s spaghetti than any other community. I guarantee it.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: dorthyinwonder.9162


DR is so awesome, even our sentries use rams!

Also, rams are pretty OP in surprise open field combat. Just sayin’. (There were more dead bodies than the one shown)


Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: jordysaurus.9450


all these food flavors yet you still choose to be salty

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: dorthyinwonder.9162


We even hold cross-server parties in our Citadel! Yay! Party it up people! <3

Sorry my graphics are pretty bad. I have to keep it low so I can actually play and stuff.

Still, DR is so chill it’s amazing. Our guilds often work together and our website is super-fun.

Once you join DR (and by join, I mean actually get to know the people and participate), you never really leave. I should know. I tried once. Pretty sure I got homesick and had to transfer back to DR. Will never regret it. Will probably also never leave again. It’s like a beautiful psychiatric hospital. We’re all pretty mad, but we do well together and it’s a beautiful piece of happiness.


Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: DonkeyHaxor.4052


bleed it of players and leave under the guise of “We are a fight guild”. My complaint is with the PVF’ers ".

This would be the case, if 85% of our members that were in the guild werent from off-server. Maybe next time you group us in with all these other fight guilds check up on your sauces.

Borlis PAss
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


“We have fun always tho. Server events, class zergs, Mafia games on the forums, inter guild missions, and a generally strong sense of community for those that want to be a part of it Don’t just take our word for it, visit us at and see the community activity there. "

I prefer rose colored glasses to poo covered words I’m sorry that you haven’t been as involved in the community or if you’re not winning you’re unhappy, but this is what we are right now. You can try and help and encourage people to come here, or hurt yourself and the server by posting negative feedback in a place that is actually TRYING to improve your DR experience by growing our population. By trying to hurt the PVFers, you are shooting yourself in the foot.

I love all of my server mates showing their support and love and as our BP friend said, we aren’t just putting up a “carebear faccade”. We have silly events like you see above and hang out as a community (in our forums, on Facebook, via Twitter, as well as in game) and that interaction is stronger every day! Join us #DRstrong

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: mygirlparadise.7583


I have been with DR since I started playing this game, which was a month after everybody else started. I didn’t pick DR as every other server was full (DR was the only one available) and my husband had to transfer over so we could play together. For one I am glad the other servers were full because I have had a chance to play with some great people. We truly are a great community. We have had some struggles as well as some triumphs but it is the people with in the server that make it enjoyable.
Yes, we have had some guilds leave us and that can hurt any WvW community. It means we don’t have the coverage like other servers but we try come together and work hard.
What I am trying to say is, If you are looking for some fun even when we are being rolled over by another server, then DR is the place. Remember you need a sense of humor in the gaming world. This is where we come to get away from reality.

xhexania Sivad

Xhexania Sivad – [TK] Tactical Killers
Devonas Rest
Ranger, Ele, Mesmer, and Necro

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Loving all the positive reinforcement from our server-mates This is what happens when you join a community that you genuinely enjoy and can be proud of.

Anyone with questions about Devona’s Rest and what we have to offer can be directed to any of our council members:

Instant Punishment (chrissybranso.8073)
Taiyo Kotei (Shokunin.3675)
Gamma (Windrunner.9650)
Sylvaniksara (multinovae.5918)
Spirit Ritulist (Spirit Ritulist.9315)
Penn Silva (TheSkeptic.4780)
Electrio (Michael.5348)

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: alvinjason.3109


Been here trolling since day 1. It’s very laid back now, so we could use a little more action. Any casual wvw people/guild can join us!!

Devona’s Rest → NSP [SA] [TeaP]

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675


5/5 would recommend to a friend.

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: KioneKatash.7459


An excellent community of people, Devona’s Rest hosts a friendly atmosphere that is welcoming to both new and old players alike. A great mad house of hilarious people, that are sure to make your time in game worth while.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cerelinde Trevalion.2467

Cerelinde Trevalion.2467

Plus the DR community has more of mom’s spaghetti than any other community. I guarantee it.

OMG are you the one who sings about spaghetti in WvW map chat? I…I think I love you.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Plus the DR community has more of mom’s spaghetti than any other community. I guarantee it.

OMG are you the one who sings about spaghetti in WvW map chat? I…I think I love you.

Yup! That’s Xerena:

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: PrettyShield.8107


Just wanted to say Hey to everyone & give a shout out for our server. Devona’s Rest is one of the best communities I’ve seen. I started out there moved around a bit after 2 years of being on DR then moved back… DR maybe lacking in numbers but we make up for that with persistence and fun.

[FS] Farscape is a friendly WvW guild & we’re recruiting!
Devona’s Rest

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Brought to you by the dedicated WvW players not the PVF’ers… Good comeback DR.


Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675


bumps for #moistserver, check out our livestreams! located on the left side of

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: DonkeyHaxor.4052


Brought to you by the dedicated WvW players not the PVF’ers… Good comeback DR.

Wait wait wait… weren’t you.. weren’t you the one bashing DR on this thread? Weren’t you the one telling people not to come to DR? What happened?

Borlis PAss
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Brought to you by the dedicated WvW players not the PVF’ers… Good comeback DR.

Wait wait wait… weren’t you.. weren’t you the one bashing DR on this thread? Weren’t you the one telling people not to come to DR? What happened?

Read my post then go back to your own plz…

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

(edited by Loosmaster.8263)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zaleta.1567


Been having a blast ever since coming here awhile back, a lot of fun chill peeps to kick it with and the guild Steel Ministries i’m in are an awesome group of friends and players who roam and havoc. come on down and check out what DR has to offer:) yes we might be on the small size but make up for it with a lot of heart:) Keep at it DR!!!:)


Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Does your server do necro zergs? Maybe.
Does your server do golem rushes? Probably.

Does your server ever combine the two? Devona’s Rest does.

Find out how to join our awesome community by contacting us on


Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675


BUMP! transfers to Devonas Rest is only 500 gems!
Check us out! move an alt? or even a main?

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


This is one of the servers my guild and I are looking into. We are wanting to expand our WvW-base to members in our guild, even the newer ones, to be on our server with us when we do WvW. The only problem with our server is that we are full right now, and because of the recent WvW changes, I see the server staying semi-permanently full, so it’s not worth the time/effort in getting people onto a full server versus one that has a lot of space.

I will definitely consider looking into this server, as what I read looks awesome!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


Lanthum, I transfered to FA from DR but still maintain an alt there. I would be glad to meet you in the FA TS and discuss DR before you make any decision to move. Bottom line is DR is a great server with great people. Like all servers, it has some drama but from what I’ve seen in the last few months of “lurking” on my alt, the drama is waaaaaayyyyhhh less than in T2. What you read above accurately represents the current state of the server. Yes, the population is low BUT, it’s a great, very welcoming community. I can provide more details if you want but my recommenfation would be take [WISE] to DR. Full Disclosure…I’m leaning towards taking my main from FA back to DR also. Let me know if you want to chat. I go by Nomo in game.

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zaleta.1567


bumpity bump bump look at Devona"s Rest go, bumpity bump bump over the hills of foes. lol but seriously come check us out. were a really nice laid back community who just enjoy having fun and fighting in wvw while bein #moiststreaming presented live to you by Shokunin.


Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shokunin.3675



any questions about transfering to our server please dont heasitate to pm in game.

Are you or your guild a member of Devonas Rest? we have a server community website & free ts channel slots for you and your guild! apply at or pm for more info

Taiyo Fu
Devonas Rest -NA – – Admin
The Steel Ministry [SM] – Leader & Commander

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blade Of Gandara.6738

Blade Of Gandara.6738

Bump for the server !

Dark Jean
Athenian Knights [kYrO] Leader/Founder
Devona’s Rest Diamond Squire 8,055

Devona's Rest, A Growing Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: X Factor.2641

X Factor.2641

I don’t normally bump things, but this needs a little love. My guild returned to DR after about a 5 month hiatus on another server. Our original thought was we were going to wait out the server changes on our ded server because this was where we started. We came back and were blown away by the progress DR made in our absence regarding communication and coverage. No longer do we only have people on EB and DRBL, we have a little bit everywhere and people aren’t afraid to map hop to come help if a larger zerg is bashing on a keep gate in one of the maps. It’s really impressive and I think this is one of the reasons DR managed to get to T7 and is going to solidify their spot there. If you’re looking for a new server I encourage you to check out DR, it’ll be worth it.

[TMW] Darkstar
Leader, Driver, Lover