Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: X Factor.2641

X Factor.2641

Looking For Small/Mid-Sized Guilds and Individuals for WVW

Tired of being a small fish in a big pond? Tired of playing second fiddle to the Blob guilds on your server? Looking for an opportunity to fight/play your way with other guilds who are willing to collaborate/associate and not dictate?

[DR] is looking to build a fresh community comprised of many guilds and individuals who can work together to take the fight to the blobs. You bring your tactics and talents, your play style and goals, and we’ll build a community together that thrives on using them to complement the different abilities of the other server guilds. Zerg Busters? PPT first? Fights above all? Our vision of the future pairs you with others who can help make you more effective and raise the fun factor for everyone. As a server mainstay, your guild will help develop the tactics and coordination processes needed to make [DR] effective and, even more important, highly irritating to the big blob guilds.

We’re seeking partners that can look past the brute force approach and work to build a server that uses cooperation as a force multiplier to impose our will on the enemy. And while we know this will not be an easy process, we believe that with the right people, committed to each other and the larger goals of the server, we can become fearful teams that use skill, maneuver and cooperation to impose our will.

The [DR] environment is still a friendly place and, to be honest, everyone is working together more closely than ever. We have groups and individuals that consistently win against much larger competition. Come be a part of something unique, something that isn’t the meta, something that you can help make. We welcome guilds of any size. All we ask from any guild, or individual is that you come with an attitude of cooperation and willingness to help us rise as a family. It’s all about the fun.

Interested? PM me or send me some mail or respond to this post to start a discussion:

… That’s what the server has written up for you all… it’s what they wanted me to post. Now it’s a little heart to heart up close and personal time. The unedited version, if you will.

You may or may not have noticed that DR has been sinking in the ranks as of late. I can tell you exactly why: people left. It’s the universal problem with any game, people just move on. Then some that stayed didn’t like the absence of people and left for T1 like a lot of the population of other “non-T1” servers, thus creating a bigger gap. The problem now is that, while we have the remaining loyal few, they are just that, few. We don’t have the coverage to hold leads like we once did.

If you were to bring your guilds and ideas to DR to help the rebuilding process, your efforts and time would be most valuable and appreciated. This isn’t something that any one guild can do and say “We’ll bring back the server before you can say ‘Jack Robinson’”, this is going to have to be a team effort of cooperation. It’s going to take some time, but if you’re willing to gut it out and do something that’s actually hard in the game, then come on and try out the DR life. We’re all pretty friendly, welcoming people. We aren’t without our problems to be sure, but every family gets into arguments every now and then, that’s how you know they’re close. If you want to be a part of that community, family-building, warm fuzzies in your tummy type of ordeal, then definitely contact either me or someone else on DR!

[TMW] Darkstar
Leader, Driver, Lover

(edited by X Factor.2641)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


DR groups consistently take down groups that outnumber us. What we don’t have in numbers, we bring in skill! Whether a guild or an individual, if you are interested in being something bigger than a blob…be a part of the rebuilding of DR. Take the time to hone your skills while roaming and fighting small groups out of our camps. Bust an enemy zerg with your guild. Lead a server zerg and/or siege a keep and beat the baddies. There’s room for all types here and you will be IMPORTANT here. It’s bigger than numbers, it is something you can be an active part of. Not just a ghost or a face in the crowd. Stand up and be noticed on DR! Come to a community you can be proud of and that will in turn be proud of you (because we know you’re there!!).

We hope to hear from you!!

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sus.3610)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chargerz.5406


I’m looking for a guild in this server.

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


+1 for Devona’s Rest.

The community on DR is super friendly and helpful. We’re tight knit and take everyone’s ideas into consideration through votes, server meetings, forum discussions, etc. But our current situation right now is that a lot of WvW focused guilds transferred to higher tiers looking for bigger fights – leaving those who are dedicated to DR with insufficient numbers to cover the bls during the week.

Whether you’re an entire guild looking to gain acknowledgment for the time you put into WvW, or just a single player who is tired of the negativity on your current server – consider giving us a try.

I’m looking for a guild in this server.

And Chargerz, feel free to apply to the Devona’s Rest website where you’ll be able to see all of the guilds that are recruiting and decide for yourself which one fits your playstyle. I’m positive you’ll find one that suits what you’re looking for. Let me know if you have any questions!

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

(edited by adrielle.2109)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


Bump because DR has maintained quality despite the loss of quantity. Want to be part of something special? Want to help build something you can call your own? Want to find out how good a leader you really are? Come to DR…and bring your friends

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Any inquiries about Devona’s Rest and what it has to offer you can be directed to our server admins either here or in-game.

Polyamorous Firefly.4071
Serge Azel.9145

Hope to see you soon :)

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


BUMP…because this needs to stay at the top

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: candace.7069



If you join this server, you won’t regret it. The people are friendly, skilled, and never give up. Join the server and be part of something awesome.

| Imojiin – Scrapper |
| Ianthe Rose – Chronomancer |

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayfabski.9301


Bump! I’ve enjoyed my time here and I love the community! I recommend this server to anyone looking to move!

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


Now is the time…bring your experience to DR…help us retool…be part of something special.

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


Still wanting to talk to you about moving to DR. Time to break from your old routine and help start soemthing new. Come on over!

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


Great community, great people, come talk to us and see what we can do for you and yours

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109



Any inquiries about Devona’s Rest and what it has to offer you or your guild can be directed to our server admins either here or in-game.

Serge Azel.9145

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Good luck to you folks, Ive been in your shoes and I hope your server can bounce back, had lots of good fights against you guys.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: pepper.6179


+1, could use some people here. I know T2 is overstacked with queues up the kitten for my alt account in FA (come down to bronze league people!). Than you have fake DK spewing all sorts of crap with propaganda back when we were in our golden age, I feel as that discouraged a lot of people from transferring back then but if your looking for a new home, I would and eveeryone else in DR would welcome you.


Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayfabski.9301


Still looking for more people! Come on over!

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: X Factor.2641

X Factor.2641

I shall bump this because, well I did make it. Anyway come on over we don’t bite, promise… well I don’t… can’t speak for adrielle…

[TMW] Darkstar
Leader, Driver, Lover

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Windrunner.9650


+1 Much love for DR!! This is the place to be!

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andi.4963


People here are both skilled and nice, a rare combination

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Multinovae.5918


Devona’s Rest has a friendly community feeling, and you will find people from different guilds in each other’s TeamSpeak channels on a frequent basis. We are all friends here – we work together to build a stronger community, low on bull and encouraging to new members (either to the server or to the game).

If you are considering changing servers, I would encourage you to think about DR. We are rebuilding for the long haul, not just for the season. We are here because here is where we want to stay.

Just another zergling in [TBT], rip the [Phnx] dream.

(edited by Multinovae.5918)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: chrissybranso.8073


Bump for DR. We had a mass exodus of some of our larger WvW guilds, but the ones that remained are devoted, skilled, and very fun! Lot’s of great guilds and friendly people.

Instant Punishment
[GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest Council Member

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: WilliamThe.2674


We have a strong core of people who are dedicated to the server. Most have been here since day 1. Everyone I’ve met on Dr is nothing but friendly. Between our teamwork and the laughter we share, you’ll be sure to love it here. We’re not looking for guilds to come and then leave with in 5 months. Devona’s Rest is looking for people to come join our family. Check us out, you won’t be disappointed.

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


Feel free to visit for contacts if interested in transferring or if you are already here and would like to register! We are all happy to help people find a good home on DR

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sus.3610)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Some FAQs about DR:

Q: Does DR have map queues?
A: EB gets queued on occasion, like Friday reset. And we can fill a map during special server events but other than that, no. I know that for a lot of players this makes roaming easy because you don’t have to sit through a queue if you just feel like ganking. And for guilds this is also a plus because they can get their entire raid into the same map if they need to.

Q: What are the typical group sizes you face on enemy servers?
A: Down here in T7 / T8 the size of enemy groups vary greatly. One minute you’re fighting a guild group of 10 at a tower, then you go to a camp and find 7 roamers from various guilds trying to get their yakslapper title, then the next minute you attack hills and 2-4 defenders man their siege hard enough that it stalls you until an enemy blob of 40 rolls around the corner.

Q: Other than WvW, what does DR do?
A: Our community is full of people who regularly organize server events such as the “DR MARCH MADNESS PvP TOURNAMENT” that we have going on at the moment, where seven 5-man teams are competing for prizes and bragging rights throughout the entire month. We also have a scheduled “Trait Unlocking Event” scheduled in a few weeks for those people who have made characters after the April 15th patch and don’t want to spend gold or skill points to buy the traits they need!

If there is anything else you have questions on before making the switch over to Devona’s Rest, please don’t hesitate to ask! :)

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Devona’s Rest is proud to welcome Wrecking [Krew] to our ranks!

[Krew] is comprised of the remaining members of Mist Raiders [MR] (previously on HoD) who have transferred to rebuild on DR. They love fights, zerg busting, gvging, roaming, pvp, and above all else – bagfarming!

Want to be the next guild to join our community? Talk to one of our server leaders today:
- Sus.3610
- adrielle.2109
- Serge Azel.9145
- WilliamThe.2674
- chrissybranso.8073
- Windrunner.9650
- X Factor.2641

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Multinovae.5918


Phoenix Rises [Phnx] is hosting a trait unlocking event this Saturday, 3/28/2015 at 4pm Pacific time / 7pm Eastern, in TeamSpeak. Please drop by our forums at or the Phoenix site at

Just another zergling in [TBT], rip the [Phnx] dream.

(edited by Multinovae.5918)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: chrissybranso.8073


Bump for Devona’s Rest. We’re a tight-knit group of loyal players who like to fight and like to have fun. Working on reviving the server, we’re recruiting new players and guilds. We’ve got events planned and we can’t wait to grow our community.

Instant Punishment
[GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest Council Member

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


It’s happening guys! We have people that left for higher tiers that are coming back and we have individuals and partial guilds from other servers joining our ranks! We still have a great community that works well together through TS and mapchat. We’re incredibly proud of what we are building and we’d love it if you were too

If you bought one of those $10 accounts, bring an uptick over to DR to see what we are about. Even visit us at You’re welcome to “guest” into our site and see what we are up to.

We hope to see you soon!

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrStalinMan.1708


Come to [DR]. We have Spaghetti.

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610



Take that DR, I win I used that handy dandy button!

Oh and if you don’t know about the button, join DR! It’s magical

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sus.3610)

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: adrielle.2109


Barricka pressed my button if you know what I mean

Zeeb Rah – Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows
Retired DR Server Admin; Retired Guild leader – Virtue of Xenia [VOX]

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

Devona's Rest Looking to Grow it's Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


Thanks for the bump!! Our mystery “fan” lol

I think it’s like when someone says “the cake is awful” because they want it all for themselves

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest