(edited by Darkademic.2603)
[DkR] Dark Reavers | EU/Deso Recruiting f/HoT
Can’t recommend [DkR] highly enough! Really friendly and welcoming community which has stood the test of time.
A good guild with lots of helpful members. It should be noted that while the guild is UK based, there are members from all over Europe.
You can’t chose your family, but you can chose DkR and you’ll never regret it. I first joined for the launch of GW2 all those years ago, since then I’ve played numerous games with my DkR Brothers and Sisters and I’ve loved every minute. Being a member of this great family has added immensely to the enjoyment I get from gaming. Come and find out for yourself!
Great community that has stood the test of time. We’ve transitioned from being a guild to a large group of friends. Can’t recommend joining DkR enough!
Pleased to have lots of new recruits for HoT already. We’ve got our guild hall up along with a few upgrades – really liking how the guild hall and new guild features bring guilds together to work towards common goals.
Still recruiting, so feel free to drop me a message in game or through our website if you want to ask anything.
I just joined this guild this week. A fun and helpful group! Come and join in the fun!