Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


“Utopia exists for no one.”- Author Unknown.

Do you wish got a better world? Freedom? Do you Feel swearing fealty to a falsified reality is not in your Vocabulary?

Do you see the world before you not in brightly Shaded dyes of Black and White, nor in ideals Good and Evil, even Man against Machine, Demon against Pariah, Creation against the Artist’s Hand?

Do you see the world that is painted as Utopian Empire, more as a Dystopian Entropic Civilization?

Then Join Dystopian Utopia [DYS]

We are Your Freedom from a false Utopia

Dystopic Utopia [DYS] Is a ‘Freshly started’ Organization Seeking new Members, affiliates and Allies.

If you wish to Join this guild there is a few things you must be aware of, 1 Swearing is all well and good if you can do it effectively, but we needn’t have an r2 situation in guild chat. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, or any other ignorant of another persons human rights is not welcome in guild chat. (this includes zenophobia.) Those are all the rules, You may get cookies and Pi.

age of Denravi, Whisper or send me Mail at cheshirekitty.1240 for Questions

-Dystopic Utopia, Entropicaly Yours, Divinity through Civil Sovereignty-

(edited by cheshirekitty.1240)

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


edited for Spelling and whut not.

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


Todays Dystopic Utopia quote;

Are we still alive? Yes? Good. Relish your breath Warrior for it just might be the last you ever draw.

Edited: Main Post to add home world.

(edited by cheshirekitty.1240)

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


Dystopic Utopia Qoute.

Money is the root towards and downfall of all Utopian Empires.

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


Daily Promotional Story;

Two Old Souls walk into an olden tavern on the outskirts of the city. The Old Souls a Sylvern and a Human.

The Sylveren to the Human. “So [name], I heard in this life you have made quite the name for your Self as a woodsman.” The Sylvern Said with a chuckle.

To which the Human replied with a chuckle towards the Sylvern “I guess this means You better watch out [Name].”

They both peered in their mugs of mead in silence for many years of Knowledge.


Come Join Distopic Utopia Today.

Dystopic Utopia [NA/Henge of Denravi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


Dystopic Utopia Daily Quote.

“Gibble Gabble, Gibble Gabble! One of us, one of us!” (An Asuren I ran into asked me to say that. As well as reminding everyone ’Don’t mess with the Carnies!’"

Also an npc just asked, ‘What do My ears have to do with it.’ Feel free to answer that one in a mail at Lunar Solice cheshirekitty.1240