[EB WvW] - Want a challenge?

[EB WvW] - Want a challenge?

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So to tell a little bit of myself, whilst I rarely venture on these forums to post, some in game will know me as Varknyn. Shortly after GW2 release, I Founded and Led the first wvw Thief only guild on Mag and we moved to EB shortly after that, known as The Assassin Clan [TAC]. There were times we had 25 thieves on the same map, but most of the time around 10-15. We had a grand ole time, but after the whole ascended gear fiasco and certain RL things I needed to take care of, I quit my thief and spent any time playing crafting new alts to 80.

After coming back to the game in full force after a few months, I am having a grand ole time again in WvW. This could also be due to joining this great guild on Ehmry Bay, called Victorious Secretz [VS]. It is a guild that mainly focuses on “zerg busting”. Almost everyone in the guild seems to have no problem with learning, adapting, and taking advice. We also love to have fun, and learn from wiping. While I may start [TAC] again in the future, [VS] is certainly a dedicated and persistent guild and where I intend to stay for quite some time. Also note, no one from VS asked me to do this, I just think they are worth my time.

If you are willing to: (Strict)

  • Be in Teamspeak
  • Play actively
  • Represent the guild at all (/almost all) times
  • Learn
  • Come to scheduled wvw raids
    and… are level 80 or willing to get your main to 80 fast.

Then consider Joining [VS]. Slots may be limited.

You can PM me here, reply here, or Message me in game. Please to do not message me unless you are on EB.