Hey guys, the guild as mentioned above was a EOTM guild based in IOJ (Isle Of Janthir). ever since HoT came out it has sort of died and now there’s only sort of like 4 of us online most of the time and im the only one repping.
I’m looking for some people to help me run the guild to get it up and running again. focus will be more WvW and EoTM based but we can do PvE stuff as well.
IOJ players preferred but if ur on another server its no biggy
im not just looking for one person im looking for a few people to help so if u would like to help pls reply to this thread. ill view this thread again on Friday and add anyone who has stated their interest.
I’m online at 5pm singapore time which is 9am GMT
PS. there is no guild hall so its a total rebuilding job but if ur up for it pls join me
[SALT] The Salty Pickles
Leia Ravenpaw – Dragonhunter
Daniel Ravenpaw – Daredevil