[EPIC] Epic Guild - PVX - EU Seafarer's Rest

[EPIC] Epic Guild - PVX - EU Seafarer's Rest

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kbk Novais Pt.1329

Kbk Novais Pt.1329

Hi guys,

This year EPIC decided to become international, so the recruiting is starting, now open to all players.

The EPIC are in GW2 since the BETA TESTING and we continue till the end of 2013 for portuguese players only, we have a roster of 200 + members, but currently only holds about 20 people active in prime-time.

Epic lost a lot of WvW members and PvP members, so we are making new teams.
At this point most players are ranked by me as achievment hunters or pve players.
We have the full guild upgraded, buffs 24/7, among other things like guild missions on weekends.

  • our prime-time is 21h~00h GMT

We are looking for players who want to participate in:

Team PVP:

5-10 new members who want to integrate a group of pvp. no experience needed, come learn and teach.

WvW – EU Seafarer’s Rest:

- looking for 10 new members at least,
- the guild offers to all WvW players commanding training, scout training.
- all commanding members of the team of wvw, can control the buffs for wvw…

Objective raid at least twice a week

Representation: run with us, represent us. moreover the representation is not mandatory

Keep it simple and fun join us

Is not necessary to make records in the guild forums and these bureaucracies, just pm me in game for invite.

[EPIC] Epic Guild - PVX - EU Seafarer's Rest

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kbk Novais Pt.1329

Kbk Novais Pt.1329

Bump – still recruiting

Btw new site – http://gwepic.webnode.pt/

(edited by Kbk Novais Pt.1329)