[EU] 2 Player LF Raid (Teaching) Guild

[EU] 2 Player LF Raid (Teaching) Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xhex.9728


Warning: Wall of Text incoming!


About Us

Me and my SO are looking for a guild located in EU to finally start raiding.

We are 23 and 24 years old, live in Austria (CEST time-zone) and are fluent in both german and english. It doesn’t matter whether you are a german or english speaking guild, we understand and can also communicate properly.

I am currently doing my master’s degree at university so either I have tons of time or none at all – atm it’s the former case.
My SO on the other hand has to go to work fairly early in the morning (~6:15), therefore going to bed usually around 22:30, but is therefore also early at home again.

Static Raiding times could get a bit hard to schedule, but I think we will manage this.

TSĀ³ and Discord are ready, we are motivated to learn and want to improve, hence are open to criticism.

For social stuff, I personally really like to text chat with friendly people, but I am still a bit shy when it comes to voice communication, therefore tend to just mute my mic. Furthermore in laid back stuff I am Skyping with my SO literally all the time (if I am not at his place) which is really important to us. So both of us cannot be on TS all the time for chatting, apart from harder encounters. My SO is more of a silent type: he rarely types in chat, but is super friendly and responsive when asked for advice.

Ingame Stuff

We both have ~5k hours invested, playing since beta, have 25-25,5k AP, have all classes on level 80 with at least exotic gear but with asc trinkets or some classes in full asc with 150AR.
We used to be dungeon runners and have both the Dungeoneer Title (if that counts for anything) and are occasionally still running them, are able to solo some and ofc able to do teaching runs if wanted.

About Raids

As for Raids, we have many classes to offer, are also able to put proper meta gear on them in case they don’t have it already incl. proper food.
Just to give you an idea: PS War, Staff DPS Ele, Magi/Zerker Druid, Viper Reaper, DPS Thief, DPS DH, etc. (as I said – all classes are possible, some are in the process of getting their asc attire, trinkets are all available)

About Your Guild

We understand that you would need to invest some time in us to teach us the runs (don’t worry, we will ofc read guides before very encounter!) and hence want to provide you something back: as stated earlier, we used to be dungeon runners and therefore still have knowledge about them and are possible to teach new guys a thing or two.

A somewhat important point is representing: we run our own little guild with mostly RL friends (all inactive unfortunately) of ~10 and don’t want to give it up. We recently even captured our guild hall with only three players and are slowly upgrading it. Therefore we want to be proud of it and show it as much as possible. During guild runs however, we are perfectly fine with representing you
Anyways, we want you as your “secondary” guild if you are okay with that for the above stated reasons.

Additionally it would be neat if you have some people PvPing (not mandatory though)

Feel free to shoot me a message ingame at /w Xhex.9728 (Me) or /w Ace.9321 (my SO) if you have further questions!

I am really sorry for this wall of text, but it’s important to give you an idea about what we conceive and don’t want to waist your time if your guild just simply is not right for us or in case we don’t suit you.