(edited by Vanity.5982)
[EU] Are you afraid of guild drama?
We’ve found a few more members and now have a community of 7. Our website has also been updated according to our standards. If you’re interested, feel free to pass me a mail or whisper in-game!
Again, we have found more members and now have a community of 21 players and have completed our first guild missions!
Bumping this for ya, Vanity!
We’re about to get a guild stash tomorrow after missions, and are now 26!
We have acquired a Guild Stash.
The contents of the Guild Stash are available to every guild member immediately upon joining. The stash can be accessed from any guild banker – they are in every major city: Lion’s Arch, Hoelbrak, Black Citadel, The Grove, Rata Sum, and Divinity’s Reach.
As of today we are proud owners of our very own guild hall Gilded Hollow.
Special thanks go out to Mithreia, Juckernaut and Hi Im Wood for donating the funds necessary to claim our hall.
Additionally we have our brothers from BGRD and my friends from PriM to thank for the success of our expedition.
Members are now able to donate materials we need for our guild hall upgrades at the Treasurer in the guild hall, or at the Tavern Proprietor.
We have reached guild level 2 by unlocking our tavern. We have now reached 30+ members for our community.
We are now able to offer a General Merchant and an Anvil in our guild hall.
We have acquired our mines and increased our aetherium capacity in order to work towards future upgrades.
We are still recruiting! We’re 37 now, still a small guild but have been making great progress towards our next upgrades.