(edited by Hushy.9530)
[EU] Eternal Riot [ER] is recruiting!
Recruitment open for all classes as the HoT launch is approaching.
Seriously though if your looking for good fights and a steady core group get in touch. We have some really good players in the guild and are looking to improve a lot once HoT hits.
We will be looking to get involved with the Arena GvG scene a little later as well.
Even if you are new to the WvW scene and want to get involved for HoT we have a trial period of 2 weeks.
Give me a shout in game or apply directly on our website ^^
p.s We are considering applications from people not on Ring of Fire, however if you do join we would ask that you transfer. RoF is a great server with a nice community. Its currently only 500 gems to transfer which is about 100g.
Some fights from one of our raids -
Updated our recruitment ^^
Some fights from our last 2 raids – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR0UNbQwUWA
Still space for
1x Warrior
2x Necro
1x Mesmer
1x Guardian
1x Druid
Please note that experience is not essential for the above however we do require that you are willing to learn and adapt to our group play.
Exceptional applications from all classes will be considered.
We accept applications from players on other servers provided you are willing to transfer.
Apply @ http://eternalriot.shivtr.com/
(edited by Hushy.9530)