EU-Friends Playing Together Pvp [sPvP]

EU-Friends Playing Together Pvp [sPvP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Morgulian.4158


Friends Playing Together Pvp [sPvP] is a new guild which aims to focus (who would have guessed?) entirely on the PvP aspect of the game.
We seek to build a community of people who share our passion for PvP and thus, make it easy for people to group up for casual or ranked PvP.

We don’t aim to become the best of the best, and we welcome any level-headed, friendly people, who enjoy PvP.

We do not require any serious commitment, and the only rule is to be polite to other players.
You are free to be part of other guilds too.
Representation is not required, but it would be nice if you do at least during the time you are playing PvP.
We will have Discord, but using it is entirely optional.
We are not planning to do Guild Missions, but we will occasionally do in-guild events like duels, possibly with rewards for the winners.

Well, that sums it up, if this sounds like your thing, write here, or in-game (preferably) to get an invite.

EU-Friends Playing Together Pvp [sPvP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ravelli.8159


Which I also want to add that we will also organize scrims as soon we get enough members. Either our own scrims or against befriended guilds!