EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]

Server: Gandara

European, Mature 18+, Social/Mentoring, Casual/Semi Hard-core.

PvE, WvW, PvP.

Events: Monday WvW
Wednesday Dungeon Rotation All Explorable Paths of a Dungeon in Story Sequence
Friday Guild Night: Living Story, Achievements, Fractal Progression, Dungeon farming, WvW, PvP
Saturday Fractals
Sunday Guild Missions

Voice Coms: Team Speak (Used to just be social, mentor and to arrange events


Be respectful to each other, and real life comes first.

The Forgotten Vanguard is a European mature guild, that is focused on GW2 and offers organised events. While we are organised, and do many events each week PvE WvW and others, we also understand real life comes first. Our events offer us a chance to group up and tackle content, while also allowing us to play with each other in group content; epically WvW and Dungeons.

The activities are freely open to all members to progress through the game content together with the guild and have a good time and laughs while getting there.

The guild is located in Gandara and we serve as a social hub for players to enjoy the game and we wish to expand our presence on the server through our members and the way the represent TFV in whatever they do in game.

What we are looking for:

- Like minded people of the age of 18 or higher
- Maturity, flexibility and passion for the game

We offer friendly and helpful people, scheduled events for the elite areas and there will almost always be someone willing to keep you company, should you need help or just want someone to play with.

In return we ask that you extend us the same courtesy and respect, that you do not abuse our generosity and that you let us know if you will be gone from the game for more than a month.

Part of the membership of the guild is to provide and receive mentoring for new members to allow them to get to grips with the games mechanics in dungeons, fractals and other areas, part of this mentoring is done by the guilds event system doing a rotation on all dungeons and paths, fractals, guild missions, PvP and WvW.
A large part of this is done by TS, it is not a requirement but is recommended to get the best explanation of what we are doing and why we do something a particular way, now there are other ways to do things but we are not a speed clear guild nor do we expect everyone to run full berserker gear to achieve things, we are able to get people through things from a variety of ways. We are not interested in the achievement points of a member we just require they listen to our approach and learn the approach of inclusion rather than meta kill before you are killed, strategy over damage.

As a member if you are new to the game or a type of content please ask as many questions as you need to learn the systems and approaches we use to complete content and also give suggestions, if you need help in developing a character or achieving a goal feel free to ask but I will reiterate that TS is a valuable tool even if you are just listening.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

(edited by Degrey.8759)

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Weekly Events Held:

Monday – WvW
Wednesday – Sorrows Embrace All Explorable Paths
Friday – Guild Night Event to be decides
Saturday – Fractals
Sunday – Guild Missions and World Boss

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Still looking for more like minded players on Gandara

Weekly Events Held:

Monday – WvW
Wednesday – Ascalon All Explorable Paths
Friday – Guild Night Event to be decided based on game releases
Saturday – Fractals
Sunday – Guild Missions and World Boss

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Recruiting players of all levels of experience for fun friendly guild with many organized events check out our form for details

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Sunday Guild missions

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Looking for fun friendly people to be part of our community to play, experience everything the game has to offer if you like close community gaming we maybe the guild for you.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

EU Gandara PvX [TFV] The Forgotten Vanguard

in Looking for...

Posted by: Degrey.8759


New players in the EU especially Gandara welcome to try our guild out, our helpful members are more than willing to explain mechanics, dungeons, fractals and much more.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess