We’re a PvE guild that focus on dungeons+fractals. We’d like to recruit more experienced active PvE players to expand our guild to form more teams for fast tours daily. We have a TeamSpeak server. The guild is speaking English international guild in the Europe region servers. In the future we’d like to run organized raids as well.
- To avoid pugging, means we take our runs seriously and not casually nor use pug tactics.
- To play together nicely and without worrying about hypocrite people who gets offended and that tend to kick because of personal affairs.
- To run smoothly without raging about wipes.
- To be one of the top PvE guilds.
What we can offer:
- Fast daily Dungeons Tours (22 paths total) and fast Fractals daily (30, 40, 50).
- Weekly Guild Missions.
- Meta builds in the site for our members only.
- Help at any sort of activity you need like trio/duo/solo and help in mastering more professions.
- Nice and experienced players who are willing to improve speed run tactics, organized group tactics or just solo.
- Great knowledge in English.
- Knowledge about your main and alts.
- Experience in all dungeons, especially Arah and Fractals.
- You must have full berserker/assassin at least exotic+offensive runes/sigils.
- At least 2 professions mastered, not including Warrior, Necro and Ranger.
- You must bring potions and food with you in the runs.
- You must have 70 AR minimum at least on your main and 2nd profession.
- The will to use TeamSpeak.
- This must be your main guild. We’re not a side guild.
- You must have the ability to listen, cooperate and be patient even if it doesn’t look a good build/tactic. Sometimes you must change the build for the specific encounter/dungeon. Want to try your tactic? bring it on we’ll try it because we’re open minded.
- You must be active during the week mostly and at least few hours a day. Weekends only won’t help.
- 95% representation time.
- No drama and getting offended if we tell you an error.
To join:
If you agree to the rules and meet the requirements then go to the recruitment page and fill the application form in the site. We expect you to invest some time in your application form. Answer and describe completely what the question asks. First impression is always important.
After we investigate your application we’ll do a small trial on 4-5 dungeons from different unique dungeons depending on your class.
For more information you can contact us.
Max Rud.7804