EU Inexperienced player lf Guild EN/CZ

EU Inexperienced player lf Guild EN/CZ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arasaris.5681


Hi I am 20yo Czech player that loves GW2 I just never had anyone to play it with. My RL friends play WoW or LoL so they don’t realy want to get into GW2. I Have experience from WoW I played on high end content Mythic raids or High keystones (smth like High fractals)

I am currently looking for a friendly guild that will help me to get better in any kind of game content PvE / PvP / WvW. Currently I have 2 characters on lvl 80 Warrior and Guardian but in need i am able to play whatever is needed. But TBH i am only experienced with Guardian and even that is far from perfect. I use discord/TS3 I have decent mic so you will understand me. My internet connection is stable 20-40 ms mostly and my spec is: GC R9-270 windforce 2GB
CPU I3-4160 3,60 GHZ

Thank you for reading this post.

EU Inexperienced player lf Guild EN/CZ

in Looking for...

Posted by: kazaa.9140


So after looking for a new guild myself and going through the forums, I notice a lot of people are looking for guilds, but no one is recruiting them!
So I took it upon myself to make one!
The guild is called ‘Hearthome’.
EU Based
Currently just myself, but have a few people lined up to join the guild!
Anyone is free to join with a few basic house rules and no website sign up!
Everyone is treated as an equal (I’ve been in many guilds and been ignored, I won’t ignore you! and hopefully no one else will – I’ve also had to sign up for many guilds or try out. I dislike that idea)
If you put more effort/time into the guild, your rank goes up. ( basic, and understandable)
If you go offline for more than 6 months, you will be kicked, but if you want to rejoin, feel free! (Just dont want the guild where all the members are offline 24/7)
Discord will be used for communication – Discord link – -
Add me in game if you ever want a chat – kazaa.9140 -
As most things, real life comes first, video games second!
With this I will be working from times, so if I take a while to get back and get you in the guild I apologies!
Please note, its a BRAND new guild, so we’ll be working from the ground up!
so any effort put into the guild will be appreciated!
Hope to hear from you soon!

EU Inexperienced player lf Guild EN/CZ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Peter Panda.5629

Peter Panda.5629

Ahoj. Nase gilda, Legacy of Alchera [LOA], porad shani lidi. Nevim, jestli pro tebe budeme to prave orechove – moc PvP hracu nemame a Weckari chodi spis jen kvuli daily. Presto v PvE chodime fraktaly pravidelne a naposledy v pondeli se nam podarilo uspesne odstartovat raidy. Jinak jsme spis volnejsi ceska komunita, ktera rozhodne netlaci na svoje hrace.
Urcite mame svoje no-lifery, kteri ti s denim ve hre poradi. Takze jestli mas zajem o pratelskou, ceskoslovenskou gildu, staci napsat mail ve hre