Hello and thanks for clicking on this thread. As the title says I’m looking for a guild for fast Dungeons and Fractals on a daily base.
Stuff about me:
I know almost every dungeon path, there are some I run rather rarely like CM, HotW or Arah, I did run each path at least once. I have no or rather very little experience in Speedrunning but I would be eager to learn. I have 4471 hours played over all. My main classes are Warrior (1075 hours) and Elementalist (~600 hours), I have however experience in dungeons with all classes. Classes I don’t like are Mesmer, Thief and Ranger. My builds are Metabuilds which I tweak according to the encounter. I carry a ton of gear on my toons which I adjust according to the situation, I have only one of each kind of weapon, but I would get special weapons with special sigils for certain situations if needed. I do not use potions and on a regular base since I do alot of PuG runs, but I would use them if needed. I run Phalanx or DPS on my Warrior, according to situation and I’m able to play Staff and Dagger/Focus on my Ele (I had no chance to get into Scepter/Dagger LH, since you need a second Ele for it, yet, but I would like to learn that too). I also used to play Guadian (~800 hours) a lot, but I would need some time to get into it again. My fractal level is obviously 50 and I have 70 AR on Warrior and Ele. I also consider myself a good player who has however room to improve. I’m also able to use TS and I would prefer to do so. I’m not explicitly looking for a speedrunning guild, I just want to get dungeons done smooth. I’m 19 years old and from Germany.
If you are looking for a decent player, who likes to take advices and improve and would like me as a part of your guild, hit me up ingame.
~FlashGamer.4017 aka Hebs