[EU] [LFG] Looking for small PVE guild

[EU] [LFG] Looking for small PVE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Snusmumrik.7608


Hello everyone ! I am looking for small english speaking raid oriented guild. After spending nearly 2 months activly playing gw 2 i got hooked up on raiding, fractals, dungeons. But my previos experience push towards EU guilds (Russian ones are canceros and\or lazy). So I am looking for one here.
What can I offer to the guild you may ask considering english is not my native language ? Well atm i have full asc berserker ele and berserker chrono wich am learning now. I prefer to stay on those 2 because i don’t have enoght time to practice 3rd class to sufficient level of play.
I can learn fast enoght. Almost never rage on a training\raid. Can easily sit throught 4-5 hours raiding\practising without major drawbacks on perfomance. Killed some bosses but hate going with pugs nonetheless. I can make a company in dungeons, achivements, any pve activity is fine with me as long as company is good.
I can play almost every day from 2 to 8 pm CET. But unfortunately can’t after 8pm due my working shedule.
If any one interested in consistant friendly player please pm me here or send mail ingame.

(edited by Snusmumrik.7608)