[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: leman.7682



I’m Leman and I’m looking for a team. You might know me as Lemve in game.

I have over 3 thousand tournaments played on the necro and that’s the class I’m planning to stick with. Over 5000 games overall.

I need a team that is understanding and plans to play with a necro (especially after the September balance pass).

I guess that’s it.


[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tomal.7516


Good player and funny guy, take him!

Best Schmock EU!

[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: leman.7682


Thank you for kind words, Mister.


[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: leman.7682


Still single & looking.


[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


gl Leman. Good player who would be good for a lot of teams I expect.

Good things especially:
1, Doesn’t rage like a 12 year old
2, Doesn’t talk down to/dismiss the people he plays with like a total kitten (which is rare in gw2 pvp trust me)
3, Plays necro well

So good luck Leman

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

[EU] Leman wants the T /necro/

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tamyr.3271


Leman is one of the best Necros ingame and he is still single Ladys !

Gl Leman <3