[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Are you fed up with random PUG people ruining the raids for you by not listening or leaving after one wipe?
Are you willing to learn and improve yourself?
Or maybe you have some friends for raids but not enough?
Are you playing on EU servers and can you speak English? (if you are reading this, you probably do xD)
Are you willing to adjust your build for the team?
Do you have full ascended jewelry or tokens to buy new ones if needed?
Do you have ascended weapon for your build?
If you have ascended armor and the squad needs you to fill a certain role, are you willing to reforge your armor? (Alternatively, you can just use proper full exotic armor but ascended trinkets are easy to get so these are compulsory)
Are you willing to turn on Team Speak if we find out it is too difficult to organise without it? (You don’t need to talk much)

If you can say yes to these questions and you are interested, put your ingame name here and I will invite you to the guild
When there will be enough of us there, we can decide on some time and date when we will meet in game and start progressing Spirit Vale.

1. You don’t need to represent the guild! It will be created so we can just see who is there.

2. I am willing to lead the group, but if you are keen on doing so too, then please do. I am not trying to give out orders. The more active approach each member brings, the better for the whole team.

One thing to discuss:
- Do you want to suggest a name for the guild?
- My suggestions:
[PP] Professional Puggers
[RJ] Raiders of the Jungle
[RE] Raids for Everyone

P.S. If you recognize me from some posts on this forum where I behaved impolitely, please ignore this fact. I had put this behind me, and from now on I will do my best to be 100% helpful, polite, and patient. I want to create a friendly environment in this guild, so if you are also a hothead like me, join this guild only if you are willing to behave.))

(edited by Mortifer.2946)

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


come on guys, don’t be afraid to join

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: flyisfakesin.3462



I main Herald,Warrior,Guardian

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mityr.1320


Hello im looking for a raiding guild!
Atm i have a full ascended viper/sinister engi and full ascended zerk herald and also berserker warrior(ps dps). working to get tempest and chrono.

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: GiftUngiven.7854


Looking for a raiding guild, Full ascended ps warr / half ascended condi (soon fixed to full), full ascended dps herald, full ascended altruistic healing/tank guardian, half ascended healing druid, full ascended thief, full ascended dps tempest.

I have teamspeak and im willing to spend money/time to master bossess encounters, and swap classes if needs be.

I also have Reaper, engi, and mesmer. But they must be geared so i will only take em out of my hat if really really needed. I have skills and im helpful/i listen to others.

I’m only available with 100% safety after 21 gmt +1 time.

Thx in advance if you wanna consider me for your roster, see you in game.

Bejelit Daruan

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Everyone interested received invite. In the end I managed to find a guild which works exactly how I wanted to create this one.

We need to see how things go tomorrow on our first try. Guild leader will resume recruitment if needed.

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: McDonLAD.6280


Ign (Main) is: Lukai
<——— Account name
(Can be full condi necro, and full zerk reaper)
I can see recruitment is closed, just wondering if an invite is still available as I can’t seem to find people good enough to raid with. (Got VG down to 1% couple times)

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Talindra.4958


pls invite
killed vg 3times, have only 3 hours on second boss and 3 hours on last boss.
play condi burn ele for vg, zerker tempest for second boss or heal tempest
i also have a few people to come along. but not 10men

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Taktakalas.6814


I wanna try this out if it’s still open. I can run engi, rev, war, tempest fully equipped.

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LordOtto.2650


Hello, I’ve sent private message to you for recruiting.
I want to write here that you should invite more ppl, who are interested only in Raid, because we could make a community. For example in this guild we could be +200 players, and we can organise the fastest way groups, for every boss even… We only would write in the chat console, and everyone gets in a group, because we are so many. It could work, so please, consider this option to. This is the best way for Raid loving players….

Thank you!

[EU] Let's create our own raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Djerun.1854


Even though recruitment is closed i’ll put a reply.
I currently main a reaper with ascended gear ready for any role (tank, condi, and zerk)
and i am working on my revenant to gear him up.
i have exp with the raid and have ts and a working mic ready to go.