(edited by Vanity.5982)
[EU] Looking For PvP Team Leader
Currently we have two interested parties, one of whom has already joined the guild and will be tested, and one of whom has yet to decide whether they would like to give it a try. We’ll still be looking for further interested parties, given our experiences with previous people who wanted to be officers and lost interest very quickly after making that decision.
On another note, we have managed to upgrade our guild hall further and are now able to provide a general merchant and an ore node.
Bump! Still looking!
We’ve found a potential PvP Lieutenant to hold weekly missions and make PvP more present in our guild. There’ll be a 2 week period for us to test the fit and hopefully we’ll have a permanent officer by the end of it.
We are however still looking for a competitive PvP player willing to lead a competitive team!
The guild has more and more to offer with each day. We’ve got parties in PvP practically all day, ranked as well as unranked, some of our members have reached Legendary ranks and we’re proud to say PvP is becoming very present in our guild.
Still looking for 1 more PvP Lieutenant & 1 PvP Captain (Competitive team leader)
Bump! We have found a good PvP Lieutenant for missions and stuff, and are now looking for one more and a competitive PvP leader.