[EU] Looking for exp Raid clearing guild

[EU] Looking for exp Raid clearing guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fowidner.6930


Hi all,

Lately im into raiding but I want to get a step higher.
At this moment I try to do raiding with pugs in LFG but this has no succes.

Im an active casual player. My main is a Dare Devil dps full ascended. And besides I have a full experienced ascended Engineer and PS warrior available. Cleared VG and Gorseval multiple times, and got average exp on Sab.

Im looking for a weekly raid clearing guild at, tuesdays, thursdays or sundays. (or late evening 22:00+ on any other day). I Prefer no fully representation guild.

PM me ingame if you are looking for an experienced player for weekly raidclearing.