Guild Name: Mantle Assasins [MA]
Server: FarShiverpeaks [EU]
Formed: 9th November 2005 in Guild Wars 1
Spoken Language: English
Applications: Here
About the Guild:
Mantle Assasins (misspelled on purpose) is a small European Guild Wars 2 Community. We consist of a stable and loyal player-base of adults aged 18+ who have similar goals within the Guild Wars 2 Universe. Originally we formed in Guild Wars 1 in 2005, and a number of those who joined us in Guild Wars 1 continue to be a part of the community in GW2, helping to maintain a solid community that has stood the test of time.
At the moment, we’re primarily a PvE guild, participating in Fractals frequently and dungeons now and again. We also approach raid content in 2 ways. We will run training raids once or twice a week, which are open to all in the community and gives those with less experience in raids the opportunity to get involved and learn the mechanics. And also the more experienced raiders a chance to try a new profession or build they might not be so familiar with.
We then have a smaller more organised group within the guild which is run by 2-3 raid leaders at any one time which we refer to as our ‘Raid Roster’. This group consists of more experienced raiders who are familiar with each raid boss, and have the sole purpose of completing as many raid bosses each week as they can. Members can get into that group by attending training raids and proving their ability and knowledge to the raid leaders.
We will also dabble in SPvP occasionally, and seldom involve ourselves in WvW.
The [MA] Way:
Something that we started back in the early days of Guild Wars 1, was what we dubbed “The MA Way”. To sum this up into an understandable concept – within MA we do not aim to be #1 in PvP, WvW or Dungeons, our main goal is to create the best experience we can in a laid back atmosphere and have a laugh while we’re at it. The team gets wiped? We just laugh in the face of team wipes, get back up and jump right back in without all the aggro & rage you get from a lot of other guilds out there! Although don’t get the wrong idea, we’re very good working together as a community, but without the tension of being criticised if you or we muck up
We do not recruit heavily, allowing time for new members to settle in and get to know the members before we recruit more. This also benefits those who are already in the guild as it gives us the time we need to get to know our new members well before bringing in any new faces and getting to know them. This system has served us well, giving everyone a chance to know everyone, and generally on a first name basis! To make an application, simply head over to the “Apply Here” section of our website to get started! Applications are handled by the Officers & Leader of the Guild.
- Applicants are to be aged 18 or above
- Own Heart of Thorns
- We are a 100% rep community, with the exception of Guild Banks
- Players are to make an application when looking to join our ranks
- All new recruits have a sit down and chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild to discuss yours and our expectations, and whether we’re a good fit for one another.
- It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak installed and are willing to use it, we use TeamSpeak to socialise in general, not just for when we’re doing events.
- We have several WhatsApp groups that we use for members to maintain fluid contact with one another outside of the game, the use of our WhatsApp groups is mandatory to provide the best possible chance of integrating into our community.
(edited by Baamoink.4281)