(edited by ToyToy.4256)
[EU] MISS burst LfT
MISS Burst is not only a good player and also a very friendly person. Would definitely recommend and is a player I’d have no problem playing with.
Hope to see you around for more TeamQs!
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
Good addition to any team, pick this girl up.
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ
MISS Burst is not only a good player and also a very friendly person. Would definitely recommend and is a player I’d have no problem playing with
Hope to see you around for more TeamQs!
Thank you ! see you soon !
Good addition to any team, pick this girl up.
Thank you Marvin come in EU !
I’d take her any day.
She carries games so hard that even me, being the heaviest necro eu, can win some games <3
I’d take her any day.
She carries games so hard that even me, being the heaviest necro eu, can win some games <3
Ahahaha <3 gl to find a team lemve
like Chungie said, MISS Burst is a very friendly person to deal with.
She has vast of exp to play against strongest teams in eu as well =)
like Chungie said, MISS Burst is a very friendly person to deal with.
She has vast of exp to play against strongest teams in eu as well =)
Thank you !!
Up ! still looking
contact me ingame it you want a trial..
Still looking !!!
Miss burst bites hard! take her now or else she’ll take you!
She is a girl, what do u want more than this ?
( en espérant te rencontrer en face lapo )
Bunker guard/ Cele ele Made In Kit [IKEA]
Best rank teamQ: 67
Go out of my post Zereldo i don’t want to see your bullshxt anymore.
i agree with u miss!he is propably drunk he goes to every post and writes smth weired lol..gl finding a team
played over 10k tourneys..
has being top 25 on soloq and teamq countless times..
(edited by NeMeSiS.9154)
I think hes not even drunk this guy is just so fkg stupid. Anyway, thx and gl too !
WoW. Someone needs a tampon.
bump. still looking
I approve. I’ve played against her a couple times and yes she’s very good. Last time i saw her playing a mace interrupt condi spec and my poor engi got riggity rekt.
Frenchies everywhere
Great player ! i played with and against her so beleive me
pick her up for your team !
Wow, thanks guys ! still looking btw
Ps: Sindrener i’m sure you love frenchies !
found ur own team lapo
Bunker guard/ Cele ele Made In Kit [IKEA]
Best rank teamQ: 67
She’s cute too btw xD
Lol Ark… they don’t need to know that xD
Lol Ark… they don’t need to know that xD
They already know you’re a girl so being also a nice one won’t hurt :P
lot of us have seen your face on desospeak :P
Bunker guard/ Cele ele Made In Kit [IKEA]
Best rank teamQ: 67
lot of us have seen your face on desospeak :P
Lol maybe yeah but i’m here to find a team not a bf then we don’t need to care about my face !
tu as été voir avec kiwi ? il forme une team fr
Bunker guard/ Cele ele Made In Kit [IKEA]
Best rank teamQ: 67
Oui j’ai vu et j’ai parlé à Kiwil mais les team Fr ça m’intéresse pas.. ça manque de niveau !
Bon je me doute bien que tu ne pensais pas a tte les teams FR mais actuellement il ya qd mm une team full FR qui tourne pas mal :o
Sinon , je pense que la meilleure solution serait de créer ta propre team avec des joueurs de ta fl ,et p-e baisser un peu tes éxigences sachant que la plus part des tops joueurs sont déjà en team , et qu’il est tjrs possible de trouver des gens peu connus qui ont un gros potentiel.
Après c’est sur , il faut avoir une minimum de connaissance , mais le team play et les rotations ca se travaille et le travail porte tjrs ses fruits !
en soit avec kiwi ça peut monter plutot très haut, et comme le dit lane tes potoss anglais sont en effet tous en LU ou presque :S
sinon CM reforme nn ? ^^
Bunker guard/ Cele ele Made In Kit [IKEA]
Best rank teamQ: 67
Oui j’ai vu et j’ai parlé à Kiwil mais les team Fr ça m’intéresse pas.. ça manque de niveau !
Le classement indique le contraire pourtant
Bon je me doute bien que tu ne pensais pas a tte les teams FR mais actuellement il ya qd mm une team full FR qui tourne pas mal :o
Sinon , je pense que la meilleure solution serait de créer ta propre team avec des joueurs de ta fl ,et p-e baisser un peu tes éxigences sachant que la plus part des tops joueurs sont déjà en team , et qu’il est tjrs possible de trouver des gens peu connus qui ont un gros potentiel.
Après c’est sur , il faut avoir une minimum de connaissance , mais le team play et les rotations ca se travaille et le travail porte tjrs ses fruits !
Ouais tapss, tu sais bien que je parlais pas pour vous, mais plus en général. Après la j’ai surement trouvé, j’vais test avec une team qui correspond a ce que je voulais ! Et pour Kahel, fais pas ton gosse je le sais que vous êtes dans le top 10
If only I had a team I’d pick her
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!