[EU] New player looking for a guild
Hey Wazza,
Our guild, Pandion Knights [PK], is currently keeping an eye out for new members, and we might be what you’re looking for
A quick summary:
- We’re a fun and ‘casual’ small/medium-sized PvX guild on Seafarer’s Rest. (Casual here meaning we impose no restriction on how/when you play – we have members ranging from people who play once or twice a month to people with multiple legendaries).
- We currently have scheduled nights weekly for each of: guild missions, WvW, PvP (we currently have a private guild PvP arena if you’re into that sort of thing!), and fractals. We usually end up with dungeon runs firing after the guild missions; we also have other ad-hoc nights organised by our members as and when they want them. Our events tend to start 7pm or 8pm BST.
- We have an active and friendly (English speaking) TS server as well as a website and forum, http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/. Use of TS is not required but it tends to be significantly more active than guild chat in game so it’s definitely recommended if you’re looking for the social aspect.
- Our recruitment thread has more info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/EU-Seafarer-s-Rest-Pandion-Knights/first#post3847902.
For reference (given that you’re particularly interested in guild missions!) our guild mission night is Sunday and starts at 7pm BST.
If you’re interested, feel free to contact one of the admins in game – fizzypetal.7936 or Jknrich.1549– or submit an ‘application’ (i.e. tell us what your GW2 account name is and that you might like to join the guild!) through our website, http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/gw2recruitment; you’ll need to make an enjin account to access it. We’re not too scary so you’d be welcome to try us out before committing to anything
Drop me a PM on here if you have any questions,