[EU-PvE] [SCR] Recruiting Casuals+raiders!
Bump, still recruiting majority of classes.
Bump from another member -
We’re always up for a laugh, and are always happy to take on/help new members too. This all started from just our group of 5 friends so we’re hoping we can include more people in our new Guild!
Bumping, still need more members to expand for HoT
Burr Ironfist [DERP]→[WHAT]→[CC]→[FFS]→[SCR]
Bump, join our budding little community today! HoT is just around the corner, and we need you!
Bump, still recruiting majority of the classes for the raids!
Just another amazing Necromancer who loves collecting loot.
Sword Coast Reclaimers [SCR]Gandara
Sword Coast Reclaimers [SCR]Gandara