[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


Forsaken Gamers [FG]are re-opening our Guild Wars 2 branch in preparation for HoT and future content.

FGis seeking like-minded players who wish to join a friendly, laidback family atmosphere to tackle the new PvE and competitive WvW/ SPVP content that the game has to offer. The core of our guild are currently located on the Ruins Of Surmia server, however it is not required to transfer to our server to play with us. As mentioned previously, the guilds main focus is the PvE content and Spvp content – both of which are cross server.

We accept both veteran and new players to the game!

What we have to offer

  • Close-knit active guild, be part of a group where you matter – rather than a number!
    *WvW/ SPVP, Dungeons, Guild missions and events regularly and Raids in the future
  • Experienced leadership
  • Friendly group of players that will help you towards your goals
  • Monthly guild raffles and player of the month rewards
  • European prime time focused guild
  • To join the FG community and join us in any future games

What we expect from you

  • 18+
  • 100% rep
  • Are active within the western GMT timezone (primetime)
  • Plan to actively play GW2within the foreseeable future
  • Offer some form of contribution to our community whether that is active presence on our website, YouTube videos or streaming for FG
  • Understand that this is a community and not just a single guild
  • Active participation in the guild, social, PvE or Raiding
  • Teamspeak 3 is required for guild activities and is encouraged on a social level as well

How do I join?

In order to ensure the quality of players we accept into our community and a drama free environment, all applicants undergo a 3-tier application process that allows us to achieve this.

1): Apply by Application form

All players wishing to join FG have to join through creating an application form on our website here. Please ensure that you fill in the application form in the correct manner. There will be an opportunity for you to detail your past experience within MMORPG’s, whilst we consider this being one of the less important details, If you do have experience in raiding, leading etc… then you are encouraged to mention it here.

Once leadership has reviewed your application, we will update the application asking you to attend a Teamspeak 3 screening. If your application is rejected then we will state the reason why as well as give you the opportunity to discuss it. All applications are responded to a.s.a.p

2): Teamspeak 3 screening

Our Teamspeak 3 screening is a friendly chat to discuss further details or any uncertainties in your application and to ensure that FG is the correct place for you.

3): Guild Invite

After completion of the Teamspeak 3 screening we will contact you with a verdict that the leadership has discussed. If successful we will invite you to the guild and help you get settled, if unsuccessful we will inform you why.

Alternatively, you can contact the following leadership ingame, however you will still be screened on TS3:


(edited by Jue.6493)

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


Weekly bump……

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


We are still recruiting, please feel free to check our website / contact one of our officers for further details

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: nojdeux.6254


We have an event on Saturday! Open WvW raid! Don’t miss out!

[FG] Parsley Responsible

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


We have an event on Saturday! Open WvW raid! Don’t miss out!

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Still need more people!

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


We’re looking forward to starting the HoT content. There is still room in our core for more! even better if you are on / wish to move to RoS!

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Matista.7046


We’re still looking for new members as we prepare to step into the Jungle join us as we take on the Heart of Thorns Expansion, We’re an active friendly community looking to conquer all the new content from raids to fractals we will do it all.
Join us and conquer Mordremoth.

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jue.6493


We’re still looking for new members as we prepare to step into the Jungle join us as we take on the Heart of Thorns Expansion, We’re an active friendly community looking to conquer all the new content from raids to fractals we will do it all.
Join us and conquer Mordremoth.

Can’t echo this enough. Our roster is growing on a daily basis and we have a solid group forming for when the new content hits. We also had the pleasure of trying the new raid over the last beta weekend.

Don’t miss out!