[EU][PvE] TMQ is recruiting social Heroes!

[EU][PvE] TMQ is recruiting social Heroes!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Panch.6718


The Messengers Quest [TMQ] is a friendly European based social guild. We promote a fun, mature atmosphere that allows a good group of people to come together to enjoy Guild Wars 2 in all of its many aspects. Currently TMQ hosts weekly scheduled guild missions and raid attempts and our officers are constantly adding more events to the schedule. Guild activities are always evolving and on the go parties constantly form. TMQ members are helping each-other to complete personal stories, map completion, fractals, random dungeons or other events. We even have our own voice-comm server to chit-chat and have fun.

Any person who wants to join our friendly community should be willing to actively represent us and actively partake in our community. We do believe that a community is built on regular participation in activities by all of its members. Therefore, we do ask our members to be active in-game and on the website on a weekly basis as this is at the core of our guild. Keeping in mind that we’re a European based guild, we do only accept European players due the time zone difficulties.

TMQ is different to many other guilds, we want to do more than just play together and kill things, although we do love killing things! We want to create a community for all types of players, serious and casual. As a Europe based Guild, TMQ uses CE(S)T for planning our events, dungeons, missions, etc., therefore the Guild’s Prime Time is around 19.00h CE(S)T – 01.00h CE(S)T.

If you’re interested in joining TMQ visit our recruitment page!

Interested in joining TMQ but still have some questions? Although applications go via our recruitment page feel free to message us if you like some additional information:

  • Panch.6718 or Poppedijntje.3106 (to drop us a whisper in game) or via our contact page
Guild Leader of The Messengers Quest