[EU][PvX] Golem Army Of Surmia [GAOS] - Deso

[EU][PvX] Golem Army Of Surmia [GAOS] - Deso

in Looking for...

Posted by: Noyala.1496


GAOS is a casual social PvX chat guild based on Desolation – and we are looking for more enthusiastic players!

What started out as a joke during the infamous Golem Rush week on the Ruins of Surmia is now becoming a friendly place for people to meet and chat.

The only things we require are being active and always saying ‘hello’ in guild chat when you see people online. We don’t ask for a 100% representation but we would be more than happy for you to choose [GAOS] as your permanent home.

We love to do casual WvW roaming and the occasional PvX – all you have to do is ask in our guild chat if there are any party slots open!

What we have to offer?

- A safe and open community for players of all backgrounds
- Teamspeak 3, including a Music Bot
- Guild Hall (Level 60) – fully unlocked WvW aura
- A shared PvP Arena
- Guild Missions
- Our very own shiny forum
- Our very own Youtube channel
- Lots of fun!

If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to shoot me or any of the other officers a quick message ingame!

Grace (Noyala.1496)
Suvi (Suvidriel.4795)
Joker (Thalon.9625)

[GAOS] Golem Army Of Surmia —- Desolation

(edited by Noyala.1496)

[EU][PvX] Golem Army Of Surmia [GAOS] - Deso

in Looking for...

Posted by: Trinair.8175


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[EU][PvX] Golem Army Of Surmia [GAOS] - Deso

in Looking for...

Posted by: Noyala.1496


We’re still looking for friendly folks to join us – so don’t be shy, drop by

[GAOS] Golem Army Of Surmia —- Desolation