(edited by Levitating Cat.8623)
[EU][PvX] Near Life Experience wants you!
Are you still recruiting? I am quite interested in joining you.
Around 1500 hours in-game, mostly on my daredevil, although I have 80 level of almost every character (still working on a last one). I am mainly a PvE player, although enjoy a PvP match from time to time. I am usually playing around 4-5 hours (evenings) during weekdays and longer through the weekends.
Do not have a problem with english and teamspeak.
I have a commander tag if that is useful and I am a Desolation player as well.
I can contact you in-game once I am back home
I am mostly interested in having a group of people who want to do raids/fractals/dungeons together, they know what to do or are open to learn and want to have fun!
(edited by DeathMethanol.6358)
Sure, I’ll message you in game!
I was wondering if you were still recruiting. I am looking for an estabilished guild that does stuff together and has fun while doing it. I am talkative and easy-going ( and adult ). I play mainly PvP and PvE (not so much WvW) and i would like to think im somewhat decent in terms of skill. My main is an asura engineer who is fixing his small ego with huge golems (mild roleplay
– golem mini and golems from runes of rata sum/racial ult). I am currently based on ruins of surmia sadly, but i never felt like it matters since i dislike WvW anyway, although i wouldnt mind changing servers if needed. Anyway…if you would have me and golems into your family, you wont regret it.
Yes, we’d gladly adopt you into our community!
Server shouldn’t be an issue as we don’t do organized WvW. I’ll message you in game soon and we’ll discuss all the details.
LF Guild casual returning daredevil I have friend who can join with me text me in game pls
hope we meet again
hey im intersted in joining the guild for the raids but may i ask when do you guys do raiding in general (midday or evenings)
coz i cant find a any guild that does it midday kinda
cheers in advance
It’s written in the main post – we do raids mostly on weekend evenings, so I guess we’re not suitable for you, mate :v
hi im fairly interested in raiding and am available on the days that you raid. Are you still recruiting? Ill be available tomorrow for accepting
I have > 2000 hours on my account, playing since beta and am tired of walking around lonely. Main char is a Chrono but I have all classes on lvl 80 and I just started to play a full asc. condi Engi.
I’m usually playing on evenings (Fractals, PvP at the moment). I’m especially interested in raiding with a non pug group because I only have pug experience so far. Nevertheless, there are some weekends where I am away, so I won’t be able to participate in every guild mission.
I would be more than happy if you would invite me
If you guys are recruiting I’d love to join an active and friendly guild. I’m, pretty chilled and laid back, and I’m online a lot. I’m mature but also fun and just want to make some friends and participate.
Thanks in advance if you consider me