[EU] Returning player LF dungeon/event guild

[EU] Returning player LF dungeon/event guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leyara.7398


Hey there, I’m a returning player with 4500+ hours clocked who’s back with the expansion and absolutely loving it however running around the content a lone does get a bit boring. All those hours were pretty much running dungeons/events so I’m looking to get into a small sized guild who enjoy dungeon running and working through the new HoT zone events.

I have plenty of time to put into the game however the majority of the times I’ll be online is early evening through to the early hour of the mornings as playing a few hours through the day isn’t always available to me.

I’m currently maining my necromancer but I’m more than comfortable and happy to play any other class if required, I generally keep up to date with the go to meta builds for all classes as best as I can.

If you think we could be a good match feel free to contact me in game or below,


[EU] Returning player LF dungeon/event guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leyara.7398


Still looking for a guild