[EU] Returning player looking for a guild

[EU] Returning player looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: petredy.3274


I’m playing since 4 years but I’m still very new. I got to level 80 and have earned my glider, but that basically is my whole experience, but I would love to get into the game.
I’m more interested in WvW and PvP, but it would be really great to get into PvE and be able to raid.
I think as a person and as a player I would be a great addition for most guilds. A good example for my previous guild experience in other games is that I’m grouping up and getting people on TS/voice chat for some events early on, even if I told most people that it takes a good while until I’m into the guild and knowing each other. That’s just something that has surprised me quite often.
I also have to say, probably what I also told every other guild leader, that big Teamspeak groups can be a mental overload for me and could lead to a situation where I have to go offline. It don’t have to be a problem, but that’s standing between me and my comeback into MMORPGs. I think I should mention that I have to fight with mental illnesses, which are mostly depressions, but at most times you wouldn’t notice it. I’m very open minded and I don’t want to hide it, because it’s a big part of my life. Due to that I won’t give up and I will try my best to get back into mmo, which I love so much.
Thanks for reading and your time. Hope to see you ingame and on voice chat.

[EU] Returning player looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seal.5964


Heya, Petredy! We’re a social + raiding guild. If you’re looking to get into a team like that, give me a shout in-game and we’ll have a chat.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~