[EU] Ring of Fire looking for coverage!

[EU] Ring of Fire looking for coverage!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530



Ring of Fire is looking for guilds/players to help boost our coverage.

Our prime time is pretty strong considering we are a medium population server. We are in the bottom tier of silver league and facing off against servers of high population.

We can match and beat these servers during prime time however we lack during other hours.

There is plenty to fight off prime time. The other server have some NA guilds and plenty people around to fight. So i can guarantee you wont get bored. If you like PPT then there is plenty to cap as well.

If you are interested or want more information please feel free to contact me in game ^^


p.s you can see our server recruitment post here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/Ring-of-Fire-Community/first

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

[EU] Ring of Fire looking for coverage!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Bump for RoF ^^

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]