(EU) Searching for Beginner Raid guild

(EU) Searching for Beginner Raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mondricus.7865



My name is Mondricus & only played Fractals & Dungeons till now. But I want to have more of the game content & want to start raiding. But i am just too scared. Many people say its too hard & everything.. & I tried to get in some groups but they just kicked me immediately because i was not “experienced”. So my question is… How can I get exp. if nobody lets me join their group?

Does anyone of you have beginners Raid guild I could join so new players like me can learn those things? I would be very interested!

I also have a lot of other questions to Raids; for example do i NEED full ascended gear? Or are the trinkets enough?
But I don’t think this is the right time to get those answered. If someone is Raid “exp.” ^^ feel free to add me in game to talk:)

Thanks for taking your time, & hopefully we find a solution!

(EU) Searching for Beginner Raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Same here. Got awesome necro that asides looking kick-kitten is in dire need of “on demand stat switch” gear for all sorts of mad experiments :>

Also got me a ranger that after some proper gearing will become evil condi ranger. Because evil always finds a way!

Am defo past my 18, inventive, creative, got dark sense of humor and will be there when a raid is going on

(EU) Searching for Beginner Raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Peppermint Candy.8546

Peppermint Candy.8546

Hiya, there are training runs that happen for raids that are run by some awesome folks – check it out here.
They have an open discord community too & have a guild you can join. Well worth your effort looking into them.

Otherwise happy to party with you and see what can we do. Cheers