[EU] TPvP "Team Beta" LF Members
We are still looking for 2 members to Team Beta. We already got bunker and bunkerish ones so now we just need more dmg for the team. Preferably thief and necro, maybe high dmg ele. If intrested just pm me in-game.
I play mesmer DPS is your still looking
Just whisp me ingame so we can test you.
Still need one high dmg class to get team ready to start. We have guard, decapper engi, warrior and spirit ranger.
Ok got dmg-class but just lost our guardian, he’s not able to play in EU anymore so now we are looking for good bunker guardian. We have decap engi, spirit ranger, hambow warrior and necro. PM or mail me ingame for more info or apply on websites.
I see you lost your Guardian. That’s a shame. I’ve been in a couple of teams some months ago, where I was usually ranked around ~125-200 in ladders. How ever, took a small break coz the team disbanded. Now I’m back to find a new team to regain my position. I’m mainly a Thief, but practicing other classes, where I’m planning on becoming good with a Bunker-Guardian. Of course, there’s probably tons of Guardians that are better and should be more considered than me, but if you need a decent Thief, don’t hesitate sending me a whisper/mail in-game.
I’m usually playing d/p – sb (25-30-0-0-15), but am also able to play the current meta build, which is the s/p (10-30-0-0-30).
About ZeuS, I have my own tPvP Community Guild with 40+ members, from R40-65+. If it would be okay, I could represent ZeuS while playing with the Team, how ever, I’d like to represent “Heart Of The [MIST]” while pugging etc.
I’d also be able to bring in back-ups etc from that guild, if needed.
hopefully you’ll consider me.
Ok, one of our members is too inactive so we are looking for one more player again. So we still need bunker guardian. PM/mail me ingame or apply in websites if you are intrested.