[EU] Team Looking for a fifth!

[EU] Team Looking for a fifth!

in Looking for...

Posted by: oRbb.5042


EDIT: We found someone – Thanks to everyone who contacted us and we hope you’ll find an awesome team!

We’re looking for a fifth person to participate with our team in the ESL Testcup (this sunday at 7:00 pm CEST)!

We’re looking for with

  • a mesmer or engineer
  • expirience on the role
  • Teamspeak/Raidcall
  • communication
  • r30+ or similar exp. in tPvP
  • an ESL account

You should especially have time this saturday and sunday of course. If you are interested, please contact Detax.7058 ingame. If he’s offline (he will be until tomorror, sadly), please contact me and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible. I promise that you’ll get a response – we won’t ignore someone!

(edited by oRbb.5042)