(edited by Tim.6450)
I’m Tim.6450 from the red dawn, a guild which started as a guild from friends to a personal bank guild but as the title says I want it to grow. I’m not looking for a guild of 100+ members but more among the lines of 15~20 members. The focus of the guild would be (PvE) group content like the guild hall, raids, guild missions, fractals, … but is not limited to it. I’m not an expert in it or have extensive knowledge about it but I’m willing to learn and adept and I expect the sam from future members. That doesn’t mean that I demand meta builds and watch hours of toturials, fun comes first. I’m normally very liberal with who I team up with but since the focus is a small group content guild I need to make some cuts:
1. I’m looking for players dedicated to the game, guild and its members. I’m not forcing you to play 8 hours a day and donate all your belongings to the guild, but if we want the guild hall to grow to its full potential we will have to work together. The same for raids and other group content. I’m not demanding any representation outside the content itself and an attentive ear at guild chat.
2. I ’m looking for at least 11 HoT players for raids. It might be required to have teamspeak and the required infrastructure (head set and microphone)
3. I ’m looking for people who are free at monday, tuesday and saturday around 20u GMT+1 to match schedules.
4. I do demand polite and friendly members kittenpect each other, I do not think we can have fun otherwise.
5. I do not demand lvl 80’s, ascended/exotic gear, certain classes, … . I have one character of each class and if gear becomes a problem for some players, I think we all can chip to help him/her. That doesn’t mean that I accept leeches see 1.
Together I hope we can become guild who can have fun together in the content and maybe hopefully become friends.
P.S. Since this guild evolved from a bank guild, the storage facilities are temporarely not availadable to new members. I have cleared the stash but I reserved that for the storage of subparts of guild hall upgrade components (like coarse sand and flax see). I do hope to solve that in the future if needed. All other (acquired) guild services and priveleges are accessible to all members.
Interest post in this thread or PM me ingame. Please do say if you have HoT or not and are interest in raids.
(edited by Tim.6450)
Shameless bump.
We reached 11 men for raiding so that will be placed on hold. For the other activities, you are still welcome so PM me if interested.
Due to circumastances (leavers and undecisive people) we have one or more free raid spots. So if interested PM.
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