[EU] looking for a raid guild

[EU] looking for a raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blackkarmy.6452



I have done multiple raids in the past month, past 3 weeks to be more exact – and gotten a few successful weekly clears aswell as I raid almost daily by now, mainly for kittens and giggles, but I also love getting more experienced and better at the encounters and obviously at my own classes.

I raid mainly with PUGs (pick up groups) and I hardly ever experience any organized kills.

Before considering to invite me, please read the full following part as it might be important to wheither you want me in your guild or not:


So far I run builds that are close to meta, or even just metabuilds to experience certain encounters – or to get accepted into a raiding party as people are very close-minded.

I love experimenting with new builds, or, off-meta builds a lot and love running them in raids to see how they perform and how to adjust them better.


I have been playing Guild Wars 2 since almost the launch, meaning a current 4 and a half years of experience. Due to that I have an easy time adapting and learning new things, aswell as using my knowledge to solve problems, shall they occur.

My current raiding experience is limited, but I will just list what experience I have with which encounters:

VG – Killed multiple times, usually just banter with weird off-meta builds + commanded it multiple times to successful kill
Gorseval – Killed multiple times, used all kinds of strategies + commanded it multiple times to successful kill
Sabetha – Killed once with a pug, love running cannons with power engineer

Slothasor – Killed a few times and got some experience with it, but pugs never use a consistent strategy so I could use some practice
Trio + Mathias – never done, watched videos on them

Escort – Done multiple times, usually running towers but also done ground a few times
Keep Construct – Attempted multiple times but no successful kill with pugs
Xera – never attempted, watched videos on her

Cairn – Attempted multiple times and got some experience with it, but never aimed for a kill so far
Mursaat Overseer – No idea.
Samarog + Deimos – watched a couple times but a little afraid to try as I haven’t done many other bosses


I currently have 4 raid-ready (full ascended) characters, working on more as I write this:

Condi Phalanx Strength Warrior – 25k dps on golem
Condi Burn Guardian – 31-32k dps on golem
Power Engineer – 34k dps on golem
Power Tempest – 36-37k dps on golem

I have used all those builds in raids aswell and made experience with them.


I love it when groups are open-minded and want to try new things, such as off-meta comps, builds or strategies to kill a boss. Mainly because using the same strategy each time gets boring for me.

That being said, lets come to the final point!


I am looking for a guild that can help me get better at raids, clear encounters on a good basis and accepts new ideas and builds – if they do their job.

I would love if there’s multiple people that have a similar mindset to new strategies and builds, aswell as love working on those.

Voice chat (like discord or ts) should be there, as otherwise I don’t feel a difference to pugs, really.


If you are interested in having me, a semi-experienced player, in your guild, then send me an ingame message to Blackkarmy.6452!