(edited by Ultima.8673)
[EU] made in meta 2 lf 4 new players
I´d appreciate taking part in the upcomming ESL Cup in August.
MB not to win, but to show off
idk if restricting the classes so hard is the way to find ppl who are willing to build a new team and want to have some fun and climb the latter together XD And if the meta changes, you search Class X ? or force your ppl to reroll to class x? imo wrong way to start a team, but good luck :>
we are not restricted to classes … we are open to new classes but the role is important !
on higher skilllevel some weapons/ builds have just the better options….
we can test people so dont worry and just ask us…
(edited by Ultima.8673)
It’s not really restricting it’s just the classes they need for their team comp in the open spots you don’t wanna run around with 3 bunker guards now do ya.
Ichigo Bushi ~ Warrior
no offense but its just the fotm faceroll meta everyone is running and even newer teams are doing great with.
so its the easy way to just copy that for a new team.. it will get interesting with the next big metachange and how fast a team can adapt.
We are looking for two additonal guys to join us. Id prefer a necro and engi.
(edited by Alafin.3714)
Glad we found an engi! now we re missing a necromancer! Id be glad to make sure he can run something else too!