Ebay[SMW]Friendly guild

Ebay[SMW]Friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Master Holbrook.2849

Master Holbrook.2849

[SMW] The Shadowmoon Warriors are looking to grow. We are friendly/family guild. We are helpful/fun.

Mainly in ehmry bay n crystal desert.

Allied with [Jade] - [Rose]

Focus: casual/pve/ WvW/ dungeons/ events/ random guild fun/story line/lvling.

Active just about all around clock

Been around since 2001. Played many years of guild wars 1 up till guild wars 2 came out.

Requirements: Everyone is welcome to join us. - Teamspeak3 - try to be active...i know we all have job or school deal with n that ok. Sign up on our website.

If like to join us in our adventures feel free contact me or one my officers. -- We will always be looking for new/more friends to join us.

Leader: Master Holbrook.2849
Few Officers:

Website: http://shadowmoonwarriors.guildlaunch.com/
Teamspeak will find once you join us.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267268723434070/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoaFBX7jSJHMYAXdK7x-hyQ

Master Holbrook.2849
Leader of [SMW]
Website: http://shadowmoonwarriors.guildlaunch.com/

(edited by Master Holbrook.2849)