(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


Here is a better image of our recruitment post: [img]http://i.imgur.com/G15yXGO.png[/img]

So Who Are We?

We are a Multi-Gaming social/event LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer/Questioning, Asexual/Allies) friendly Community, whose goal is to create a friendly, happy, and fun atmosphere. We are dedicated to helping our members and assisting in game personal goals as a group. Our Guild hosts a wide variety of events, everything from grinding, to help night, to end-game content. We often donate items to dedicated crafters on request, help boost lower ranked member’s ranks, and all in all, do what we can to push each other. Of course, things like donating items to crafters and such are voluntary. Nothing is absolutely required of you except your presence in the guild. Idle chat can be more important at times then showing up for events or donating items. All in all, we just want everyone to enjoy their time in-game and to have fun.

Ways We Communicate!

Eternal Sanctuary has several ways we communicate. First and foremost, I urge you to sign-up on our website, and utilize our forums. Our frontpage will have urgent information, whereas the forums will have updates, discussions, polls, and often becomes the place where important decisions are made (apart from in game of course). Another HUGE form of communication is voice chat. We often use mumble for idle conversation, but it is required of everyone to be on VOIP for events such as raiding(even if only listening).
Thanks for reading! And if you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask any of our officers We are here to help! ^.^

Website- http://eternalsanctuaryguild.enjin.com

If you are interested please message Zan.7819 in game, or visit out website and drop an application! Thank you!

(edited by Zan.7819)

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Hiya! I lead an LGBTQ guild, too. Sometimes we have people who are looking for something a little different than we offer, so I like to keep a list of other LGBTQ guilds so I can suggest them. Could you tell me which region you’re in (NA or EU), so I can keep you in mind to recommend to people? Thank you, and good luck with your guild! =)

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


We are primarily NA

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

What server are you on?

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


I am on Blackgate, but the guild is open to any server.

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Awesome, thank you for the info. I’ve added you to my list of LGBTQ Guild Suggestions. =) (Also, I think I saw you on our forums, so hello!)

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


Beta Weekend

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


Let’s get some recruitment going

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: QueenEtna.3580


How many people are in this guild and are you guys planning to do raiding in the xpac?

80 War, Thief, Mesmer, Ele, Engi, Ranger, Guard and Necro. Main War: Shiva Mahadiva
Server – Maguuma

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


How many people are in this guild and are you guys planning to do raiding in the xpac?

The guild is fairly small atm, but we do plan to raid when the expac comes out ^-^ Sorry for the wait, my internet has been having issues this past week.

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stiny.6048


Can I join even if I still don’t have a replacement headset for voice chat? It broke and I haven’t gotten around to getting a new one, but I think your guild feels like a much needed safe space.

Also I’m currently leveling 2 alts, mainly out of boredom since I reached the cap and am out of things to do solo, but will be going back to my main with HoT, and am applying with her via the website, will that be okay?

(edited by Stiny.6048)

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


That’s totally fine Stiny!

(Eternal Sanctuary) An LGBT Community !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zan.7819


TeamSpeak server is a go now!