Experienced WvW Warrior (Tier 1/2 preferred)

Experienced WvW Warrior (Tier 1/2 preferred)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bartlewe.6432


I currently reside in Borlis Pass (rank 11ish) and am looking to move into higher tiers for more action. I enjoy fights of all sizes as long as I’m with a skilled group of people that are fun. I spend 99% of my time in WvW. PvE typically puts me to sleep.

Play Time: I squeeze in as much play time as I can while trying to balance a full time job, house work, and keeping the wife happy. During the week I can usually play daily for at least an hour, typically between 1pm-4pm server time. On the weekends I can usually play for at least a couple hours, typically between 5am-9am server time. If the wife is away, I can usually squeeze in a few more hours

I’ve played on the same warrior for over a year, I know my warrior well. I’m willing to run DPS, CC, heals, etc, depending on what is needed for the group. I’m capable running solo or in massive zergs (although I’d have to turn down the gfx for large fights).

I’m sure I’ve left something out, so if you have any questions, please let me know.

Experienced WvW Warrior (Tier 1/2 preferred)

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


hello you seem perfect for [Rise] From Our Ashes. We have over 50 members and we are going to run WvW small havoc squad once new WvW season is launched. We are currently located at BlackGate(Tier 1) and We also do lots of pve and guild missions as well as our own guild events. We are tight-knit community and we play on ESt/Cst time. We have our own forums and Ts3 for communications so we can develop as community.
Feel free to whisper/message me about more information on our guild
