Experienced looking for close-knit group

Experienced looking for close-knit group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kannar.7283


Hey All,

I’m Will, 23, from Florida in the United States. I’ve been playing since GW1 beta right along into the GW2 beta, so I’m pretty familiar with the game and its history. Looking for a smallish, yet decently active, guild to join for PvE, PvP, PvX, WvW, and pretty much anything/everything else. Ideally, a place where people are on a first name basis and are friendly with one another.

TeamSpeak, Vent, Mumble, or something of that sort is a must for me. I like the idea of randomly hopping on and joining in whatever the rest of the crew it doing. I’m extremely easy-going and looking for a place that’s drama free. Currently on Tarnished Coast, but more than open to the idea of transferring servers if I find the right fit.

Reply here or hit me up in-game (Kannar.7283) if you think your guild may be a match for me!

Experienced looking for close-knit group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Hiya Will! That’s a long time in the Guild Wars universe. =) I never played GW1, but I hear from lots of people who loved it. We actually have a thread on our forums where GW1 players can share screenshots and memories of it.

It sounds like you might enjoy my guild, Ember Solace. We’re small-ish (50 people), yet active (a scheduled event planned every night, social activities both in-game and on the forums, and spur-of-the-moment fun stuff, too). Right now, we do PvE and PvP. We’re looking for someone in the guild to step up and start leading some WvW events on the regular, but we do have people who do WvW on their own with others in the guild, plus my co-leader, Dahkeus, is leading a group this week to help people work on their WvW achievements for the Tournament.

We’re definitely a friendly bunch, and we care about each other. More than just knowing people’s names, we know things about each other. Who is active in their school’s extracurricular club, who just put in their two-weeks notice (and is celebrating, lol), who has joint custody and visits their daughter on Thursday nights, etc.

We do use TeamSpeak3. I have a mild difficulty with auditory stimuli, so I’m not always on whenever I’m playing (I save it for when I’m leading Guild Missions or running dungeons/doing tPvP during our Friday Night Fights), but others are on often throughout their play time. Right now, we’re the most active in the evenings in EDT time. Oh, and we’re on Tarnished Coast, too. =)

I tried to give a good overview of us, but if you’d still like more details, we’ve got our recruitment post and you can register on our forums to get read-access to the GW2 sub-sections. With those, you can see what kinds of events we tend to do (we have a sticky thread with scheduled events for each week, but there are spontaneous things people do, too), how our members interact with each other, etc. We do have a brief application process, but it’s short and designed to help us get to know potential applicants (and weed out trolls and elitists).

If you have any questions, please let me know. I think you’d be a great fit with us, Kannar. =)

Experienced looking for close-knit group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Devilish One.2386

Devilish One.2386

The Branded Wolfpack: Burn(World vs World Video)
The Wolfpack is a new (3/23/2014) World vs World guild on Dragonbrand formed by six founders of varied backgrounds. The guild launched with roaming parties late each night, however, we’re fully experienced with any dungeon you may enjoy slipping in. The same goes for PvP and helping anyone find a build that suits them. Transfer help can be provided over time. For more information please check out our Recruitment Post

In Short:

  • YouTube Channel (Show your pretty face to our cameras)
  • Enjin Forums at: http://gw2-dbwolfpack.enjin.com/ Apply Today
  • Mumble Voice Server
  • Intend to Settle our Members around 150 (currently have 40ish members)
  • Build Crafting and Teaching (Pre-Made (Non-Metas), Meta Help, or Personalized)
  • Our Timeframe is currently Afternoon 1-4pm EST & 8pm-3am EST.
  • Activity & Effort Concerns? Working on Tier 5/6 Guild Research.

Feel Free to Contact via Message:

  • WarHawk.1892
  • Devilish One.2386
  • Miani.4270
  • Rage.8197
  • Jinx.2079
  • Cranberry Snapple.3175

Experienced looking for close-knit group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


I could interest you in my brand-new guild, Children Of Light And Shadow [LITE]. (Don’t let the name fool you, as the guild isn’t made of children :P) We are on the HoD server, originally, but it doesn’t matter if you switch or not (though, it would be nice to see our members on the server, BUT not required.)

My goal for the guild is to achieve a laid-back, and relaxed area where you can come on as you please, and not be removed in the process. Although we are not as active as what you are probably looking for, we are growing fairly slow, and the little members make the difference.

If you want to read more about it, come check out my post here—? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/Children-Of-Light-And-Shadow-LITE

Looking forward to seeing you respond, and hopefully you take my offer.

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Experienced looking for close-knit group

in Looking for...

Posted by: IOWA.2476


We’re SoV — The Sovereigns of Vengeance. We consist of mostly working adults with lives and families. We do primarily WvW and tPVP with a splash of PVE.

A 150+ member PvX guild dedicated to Crystal Desert. We are loyal to CD and will never transfer off world. 100% Rep required. All Crystal Desert Players are welcome! Whether you a new, a veteran, casual or hardcore SoV has a place for you. (transfers to CD welcome). We prefer to run in small groups (10-20) with high organization and enemy pressure to hold maps longer and more consistently. It’s a game of control, patience, tactics, and smart moves.


• Active in WvW

• Teamspeak ( No Mic required, but reccomended)

• Proper builds (We’ll help you sort a build for your class if needed)

• Be friendly

• Be part of the team, part of the community

• Build master maxxed (or in the process of maxxing it)

Co-Leaders: Scolias, Will Knot, Kroissant X, Brave Lil Toasta, TheRemedy.4102, Mania for Life

Other recruiters: Elizabeth Journ, Wombo Combo,

Feel free to PM myself or the other GL’s/Recruiters in game if you’d like more information or to join us.

Or, get a hold of me on skype, SoV.Scolias or hangouts, sov.scolias

You can also email me at Scolias (at) teamsov.com

Watch some of the action at www.twitch.tv/scolias (usually stream PVP or WvW nightly.)

Website: www.teamsov.com